I would appreciate any feedback the members could give me as to whether or not these Eagles autographed items are authentic or not?  I am still licking my wounds from trying to buy an autographed album from eBay, but thankfully I was able to get all of my money back plus they covered the return shipping.  So I don't want to go down that road again.  These are being sold by someone that a friend knows and they knew I was looking for something.

Again, any input, advice, critiques, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Tags: autographed, eagles

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Same here :)

I'll keep you in mind Steven.  It is a great price on the poster but I would rather have an album cover signed by those four so I can frame it.  If I do buy the poster I'll likely have to cut it down so it would fit in a frame with an album cover, but then that kind of destroys the integrity of it.  Maybe someone would trade me a signed album cover for the poster.

Why can't you just frame the poster as it is? Posters look great framed and hanging on a wall... :-)

Oh my goodness, don't cut it. With the proper frame it would look great. Its def authentic. First step buy that sucker. Many signed  auth albums have some wear and I rarely see authentic complete signed ones. Check out Stephen Duncans  website for lots of Eagles in person examples. A quick double your money Id pay 400 for it.

PS its rockandrollcollection a must read with many examplars for Eagles fans. My favorite group.

I have thought about it, but I'd like to have something framed with pics from the concert we went to and our tickets.  Plus I really dig the Hotel California and One of these Nights album covers.  Of course if I was trying to stay true to the Eagles I had previously seen by getting The Long Run since that is the only one all four that I saw were on (Frey, Schmit, Walsh and Henley).  But now that I saw them in OKC in March 2015 with Leadon so that opens up a few ideas.

I just wanted to update everyone my Wife finally got me the frame album this week.  Apparently she was trying to find a mint condition Hotel California album to frame with photos from the concert we attended, one of the tickets, a guitar pick from Glenn Frey and then a signed photo she had bought.  She really outdid herself and I can see why she didn't want me to buy the poster.  As for the poster she isn't a big fan of it or me getting it framed.  I think she feels if I did it means I like the poster more than what she got me.  So now I have to decide what to do with the poster.  Below is a photo of the frame album, as well as the poster.  I think she did an amazing job.  What do you think?

Fake, fake and fake
I agree.nothing real here.

I ran across a local guy wanted to sell an "alleged" Eagles autographed album that he got over the years.  I am still having remorse over selling my Eagles autographed poster, especially considering Glenn Frey passing away.  I took a photo of it and wanted to run it by you guys before doing anything.  Any thoughts or opinions as the signatures look a little off to me?

Not real in my opinion

Thanks.  I had my concerns and they looked a little too close to several I had seen previously commented as fake.


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