Im offered these autographs.

what are your opinions on them?

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Both look okay to me. Do you have a better photo of the 2nd one but both match up IMO

Thx for your opinion. I expect a few pictures of the second one today.

A new close up

Both are fake, the second one being from a serial forger I've been warned about by Garry King from Autografica in the UK. The first one is terrible, not even close to the real deal.

it's always good to disagree. The first one is similar to others I've seen over the years so far from terrible. The 2nd is a real good forgery if not the real deal

The first photo is from 1993, which narrows down the window of comparison - I have database with about 100 scans of genuine 1993 Senna signatures, and although they vary wildly depending on the pen or marker he used and the circumstances of a signing, they all share the same basic traits.

Both signatures posted by SennaFan, for instance, are written by right-handed people, while Ayrton was a leftie. 

But as you write, it's good to disagree and everyone has the right tö his opinion.

In any case, SennaFan, Garry King of Autografica and Markus Brandes, the Swiss Senna specialist, can always be asked for their advice as well.

I agree, his signature like most peoples differed wildly based on the pen, where, and when he signed such as in a crowd or sitting down.

We will have to agree to disagree on the items although I agree on you saying that everyone including SennaFan should ask for opinions from as many people as possible. However, remember they are only opinions and we all get to have one and to add that I've had many people tell me and others that in person autographs I got are fake.

All the best! 

Thanks all, I actually bought the first one.

I know the person for years so bought it in good faith as well..


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