Sickening story on a few levels. Billie Eilish was booed and harassed for not stopping to take pictures and sign autographs (side note, she did actually stop to say "hi" to some genuine fans). I'm hearing the word paparazzi thrown around, but it sounds like the prime offenders were autograph collectors. I don't doubt it. Billie posted some videos on her Instagram Stories. A fan retweeted the series here:

This is a prime reason why I virtually never buy from in-person collectors anymore and why I left in-person collecting groups on Facebook a long time ago. Harassment is harassment, and sleaze is sleaze. If anyone knows any know collectors who were part of this, please call them out here. Trash needs to be outed for what it is.

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I think we need to be careful not to confuse "autograph collectors" with "autograph dealers".

The people with the title "IP graphers" tend to be more the latter, it seems.

That is to say, when I'm collecting in person, I don't call myself a "grapher". I call myself a fan, who collects autographs. And, from what I've seen, I'm not alone in that.

The ones who call themselves "graphers", in my experience, tend to be the ones with the eBay stores or the ones taking payments for consignments.

There are, of course, exceptions, but, from what I've seen, it seems that most of the time someone says they're a grapher, they're not there because they're a fan--they're there because being there means $$$ in their pocket.

Agreed. I think the “IP graphers” are also known as “autograph hounds”?  Yes, they are distinct from real fans who collect autographs.  

The hounds bark a lot and also provide biting commentary that is usually ridiculously rude and offensive.  They’re really disgusting.


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