Can somebody told me if this Jackson autograph is real authentic?

Can somebody told me if this Michael Jackson autograph is real?

He is signed in person in a hotel in Vegas end 2007 told the seller.

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Sorry, this isnt authentic, IMO

Not? OK..can you explain? 

Im pretty good with MJ and this signature literally has none of the traits that I consider to be authentic. Not only is it a forgery, its a very bad one, IMO.

There are many, many threads on this website containing hundreds of examples of real (and fake) MJ. Spend a few minutes searching for them and you'll quickly come to the same conclusion, I think. I have one on my personal page for reference too.

Its always a bummer to find out you have a forgery, but it is what it is. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

I don't put much effort into MJ sigs and it's clear to me it's fake and a bad one as the dude already stated


This is far off from a genuine MJ in my opinion, sorry to say. The letter shapes are mostly all wrong. Do you own it? If so, when did you buy it and is the seller a dealer or still active today?


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