Cannot I.D. this signature for the life of me PLEASE HELP

I picked up a couple of black and whites from an estate sale in Burbank, cannot for the life of me figure this out, been spending hours on it and now my neck hurts.


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It's in german, the reverse is stamped Walter Lichtenstein

I'm not fluent in german, but I can see the word "Muskitier" and there were not so many "Three Musketeers" movies till 1930 and I haven't found any from Germany. Maybe it was a theatre play... And the poster on the wall is in russian pre-revolutionary language.

"dedicated to the dear fourth musketeer and faithful in many a hot film battle from.....(can't read) February 1, 1930"

This is what it translates to, still no idea who the hell signed it, but it must be from a film production.

First name is "Manfred"...the last name I don't know.

You are the 2nd person to say it is Manfred, and I agree.  Is it possible it could be Manfred Marx????

Manfred Noa, this has to be it right?

Sounds very, very likely

It seems to be true: Manfred Noa worked with Walter Lichtenstein on the movie "The Waltz King"( "Der Waltzenkonig" 1930)  and this russian poster on the right is a poster for Johann Strauss concert, who was himself "The Waltz King".

Oh great!  thank you to everyone in the discussion that has helped me out.  It is fun to try and figure these things out.


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