Darren Julien Interviewed by Michael Jackson Fan and Collector Sites

Below are two links to interviews with Darren Julien conducted by MJJ Collectors and MJFC (Michael Jackson Fan Club) with full questions and answers.  (Jan of 2013)

We are not able to publish the articles here in full but we can publish excerps and discuss them.  The links are as follows:

MJJCollectors.com  Darren Julien EXCLUSIVE Interview With MJJC

Exclusive MJFC Interview With Darren Julien


Autograph Magazine Live's now 200+ page discussion on the Tompkins & Bush Michael Jackson sale is here: http://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/michael-jackson-sign...

The discussion on NBC-TV's investigative report on Julien's Tompkins & Bush sale is here: http://live.autographmagazine.com/profiles/blogs/nbc-investigates-j...

Please direct anyone who is posting in those discussions that questions or statements regarding these interviews should post here, so that we keep the information in one place.


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I had that the top one was real on that particular auction date.  I don't list 532 anywhere else :)  So I had it right, sheesh boy, ;)  you probably clicked on the wrong auction today when you were looking at lot #'s.  :)  have to reedit the sheet AGAIN :)

June 25, 2011 Music Icons

(Steve do not touch your computer for 5 min. your on a time out) 

First big item missing-----THRILLER COAT

Lot 493 - Thriller coat Dbl L http://www.julienslive.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/26/lot/7475/?ur...

They List Lot 532 and this I believe to be authentic.

That should be it on this list.
And thats all the further I got on my lists...

I am sure others have more opinions and that's great :))) This is just what I had.

I should also note I went thru Nov 21 2009 Music Icons and saw no Dbl L / Bush type styles and 3/26/2011 Slash/Rock N Roll and also no Dbl L / Bush type styles. There were odd things but nothing like the two styles.

Wow, read the interview. What a joke. He continues to spin lies, but what else can he say. he is an expert at twisting the truth. The answer about the Bravado standee- how long did he think about that twisted story. Okay so Bush got his hands on a bootleg item? How? The bootleggers brought it to him- doesnt even make sense but its a story with a way out. he cancelled the sale of the item. How convenient- Im sure it will be destroyed and burned. Cant have the evidence. PSA DNA arent reputable qualified authenticators, nor Roger Epperson? What planet is he on. Of course all the answers are just what you would expect. Links to many autographs sold in the past that are similar. Hmmm the same ones we have pointed out do not look genuine also. That is the biggest problem to this whole case is that no one called them out before on all the other fakes.  I sure hope they dont get away with this.

Just think though---its possible! (cough cough) the "bootlegger" must have given MJ or Bush a "bootleg" copy of a standee sometime before late June, which just happens to now match identically the 2009 standees that were manufactured later that yr, which happen to have a 2009 Bravado/Triumph Logo (a company that was defunct before MJ died) and printed in exactly the same spot with the correct font and everything.  Wow!  What sheer luck!  Oh and the cut outs, pop out EXACTLY where the new ones pop out, the license plates ARE in the same spot (right down to where the plates are cut in halves at the pop out seam), and the shoes ARE the same.  freakin groan!!!!

The answer is so absurd. If people believe that then I just dont get it. The idea to make all those products didnt even happen till MJ passed. So the bootlegger can see into the future and knows MJ is going to die? It was clear to me that only the This Is It products were going to be made for the tour. No Bravado Triumph Int products would even have existed without MJ's death. WTH?

He said some pretty false stuff about me in both interviews.  He does not know me yet he states all these crazy things that I supposedly did.  Now I am a part owner of PSA/DNA?  What's next "no major auction house uses me or knows who I am"...wait a minute, he said that too.  Whatever

Roger, unfortunately many fans seem to lap up the story. I've been told to google the "so called authenticators for an eye opening experience" and unfortunately, apart from your site there is some pretty nasty stuff coming up. Ripoff Report ring any bells? Smells of sour grapes from a mile off, just saying: people who desperately want to think that Bush is their substitute for meeting Michael find ammunition there.

Helen....Those ripoff reports were created by one man. Roger Epperson sued him for slander. He was posting about Roger under various accounts to make him look bad. Search this site for "Cori Raiderman, Ripoff Report". Or better yet ask Roger about it. It was a sad situation

Thanks, very interesting. I wish people like that could be compelled to take stuff down.

Unfortunately they probably will get away with it, but the good news, is that the people who bought are coming forward looking for refunds. Julians apparently is not giving these though, which is in contradiction to what they told the news. This could result in a very bad situation for Julians. We will have to see how it plays out i suppose.

All of the crap you see about me on the internet is done under ficticous names or no name blogs.  With Rippoff once it's been posted it can't be removed by any body not even the one who wrote it.  If you just read what these people say you can see it's just a smear campaign against me to they can sell their fake items and discredit me.  They make these fake blogs so they can do just what Darren did, point people to this site to discredit me.  It's just like the galleries do in the large shopping malls.


FYI here is a link to my credentials, I have and do work for some MAJOR auction houses.  http://www.signedsealeddel.com/credentials.html


I didnt realize he said that stuff about you Roger. I didnt read or watch the interview. Its a shame you cant go after him for what was said, as all of it was untrue. This whole situation just reaks of so much B.S. its not funny. Another news broadcast needs to take place where the facts are put straight forward.

To where questions are answered that are important:

Why lie about Roger Epperson?

Address the BUsh signatures when compared to legit examples

Why are you naming an appraiser as an authenticator?'

Why are you not giving the refunds you promised?

If the cutout is like you say and the sale is cancelled and the item recalled, please display it so that we all can see what you say is true

Show us the proof video?

etc, etc, etc,

It really is impessive how far this hole goes.


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