The 'God Bless' Van Dykes are certainly secretarials. Have been for years. I think the top Van Dyke is also bad because real Van Dykes, do not have the 3 names separated like that. If the Travolta is TTM, then its also secretary. his real autograph is really sloppy. Sophia has always been a great mail signer and I heard she changed her style the last few years so it can be good. Dont know Gibson enough to say either way. Here is a real Van Dykes for you to see the difference, (bottom right)
Thank you for Your time and observation. You have confirmed my fears on this. In Your opinion, could some of the Dick Van Dyke signatures be from Barry Van Dyke? I read that he signed them for a long time. Ale some in his "style" The Top one must be from a woman, it is more like painting, than signature. :D