Sad to say another fake George Reeves signed 8x10 is on ebay now, authenticated by Frank Garo. What is Garo doing?? Is he just authenticating anything for a buck or is he so incompetent he has never seen a genuine Reeves signature? The handwriting is way off. Thoughts anyone??
It's frequently low IQ people making these bad forgeries and this is a perfect example. George Reeves visited many children's hospitals in the 1950s and this forger would have us believe that Reeves told this little girl Nancy with incurable polio to "hurry up and get well"! And then we're supposed to believe Reeves couldn't spell "superman", that he left out the R and went back and inserted it?? Unbelieveable!! And yet there it is on ebay, proudly offered by this seller as genuine. I sent the seller an email, pointed out the inconsistencies, and suggested he research Garo's history, but he just raved about how Garo is an authority and he believes him. Any sane honest person would do the research. Which makes one he working with Garo??