Graysonline Autographs & Signed Items: Looking for Buyers Who May Be Owed Refunds for Buying Forgeries From Them

I am looking to compile a list of people who have purchased Autographs and signed items from the Graysonline auction website in Australia. This is for the purposes, primarily to stop the probable fraud, and for a possible future class action to retrieve all moneys to the victims.

The "vendors" of these auctions carry the certificates from two companies, Coolworld Collectables and Musiclegends collectables.

See attached images of the certificates in question.

For those people that have purchased any items on Ebay from ME, (arry_kewl) I will contact you and refund all monies and postage costs should this fraud be proven. I did not intend to pass on rubbish, and please accept my apologies for my part in this, even though it was not deliberate... I have all contact details saved in my Ebay account.

I will contact Ebay to try to have these certificates added to their banned list.

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Hi Frank,

Good job...thank you! I agree, getting the big guns on this is the best way to handle it.

I wonder if I send a friendly email to the corporates of Chris Lancasters place of employment and bring to their attention the possibility of him being involved in such a fraudulent topic. Seems like a good way to get his attention without breaking the law and making apparent false accusations....hmmmm i wonder

Hi Dylan

The owner of the company is aware. I wanted to make sure it was the Chris Lancaster that we are all upset with. She was a very nice lady who confirmed that Lancaster operates a rock n roll memorabilia web site. She is aware of the various blogs and Graysonline stuff. Interestingly Utopia Record store who Cool World Collectables advertised on their web site did not have anything to do for years, also contacted Lancaster soon after I enquired what their relationship was with him, and subsequently with all of the 'heat' he is feeling has now removed Cool World Collectables site from the web. I am happy about that! I am considering launching a GraysonlineFraud facebook page as a forum to put pressure on Grays online. I would also suggest that anyone looking for Lancaster can now contact him at his workplace. 

hi wher does he work as he stung me for thousands i cant believ it lol 

Hi Paul,

I am also a victim from this companies. I have over 30 items from grays, And i can show in court that 5 of them are FAKE.

If you continue with your class action, please let me know.



Add one more to the count with maybe 10 -15 items i couldnt be bothered checking, the pink pink floyd guitar always worried me haha oh well live and learn ....

Wonder what someone like ACA would do with this information and maybe 'out' grays

Wow I only just found this blog. Good luck with it guys. I only ever looked at greys once but was turned off when noticed they were selling reprinted autographs for hundreds of dollers. They came with coas aswell hahaha


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