They have several once upon a time cast members and a signed picture with multiple cast members.

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That is a valid argument. So I will discuss it as civilized as I can.

I have crossed paths with the "filter in a stinker" ones over my years. So I get your logic on this. I also don't know them to spend the time going to Toronto, L.A., Seattle, Minnesota or a dozen other places I've been the past few years to get stuff signed. They are more inclined to get what they get, and add a few more at their leisure from the comforts of their home. But that aside...

I can see the logic in why you can feel that my logic for why I am not can be off putting because you have encountered other elaborate plans. Not much I can do to convince you otherwise.

All I'll say on the topic is this.
The most debated item on my entire site so far has been my cast item piece.
A piece by the way that I have had over 20 offers on, several over $300, and haven't sold it.
Even the most well thought out forger isn't gonna sit on an item for that type of money (because that's actually a good price for it & for how few sales I do, it really would be stupid to have not sold it in this time) for 2 years when he could have sold it 10Xs over.
But more important than even that, the fact that I just took the "analysis" of it from "Ryan" and basically took a dump on it as far as why it is 1 of the worst analysis jobs I've ever seen....I really hope the rest f the people on this site are more invested in investigating things when they give their opinion than he was.

I shudder to think what good sellers hes trashed on here before because he simply doesn't actually know what hes talking about.

Anyways, as I said to Weschler, I'll say to you. You are entitled to an opinion. You can like me, hate me, be indifferent to me. You can like my items or not. You are allowed all of that. But when you state that opinion publicly & call it a fact, prepare for me to tear it apart, being snide & a bit rude in doing it, and make you accountable for your statement.

I've been getting autographs for about 25 years & have been told my stuff is fake in the past by people who have shown me their "real" items that they got from someone else that I knew were unquestionably fake. Its something every legitimate seller endures from time to time. When I was a kid, it would have pissed me off. Now, its just "ugh, really...don't you people even try to find the truth?" and I post a long, overly detailed reply, because that's my personality. I answer almost everything that way, not just questions on my items, which almost always leads to an argument, because as some of you have pointed out, I have a bad attitude in dealing with people I think are idiots. One thing this insane little rambling here has reminded me is, that I need to add a FAQ to my site.

Anyways, I can understand your logic & reasoning. I cant argue with "others have tried harder"...because I know you are right. I've encountered them. At least you gave a reason, a logic and didn't try to pass it off as "because I say so, its true".

You have never known forgers to go around and get proof pics?? Check out autograph america then. They sell all forgeries and have proof pics of some guy with all the celebs


I don't doubt that you are a super autograph hound nerd, who stalks the OUAT set. And perhaps you have had drinks with the actor.

However none of that explains 1,000 autographs of the cast? And you have proof photos! Wooo hoooo! Do you know how many times I've seen a star/athlete signing, got a pic, but they didn't sign my autograph? Hundreds. These are your "proof" photos. I scrolled through your website and didn't see ONE proof photo where they were signing your exact item for sale. 

So now I have 1000s of OUAT graphs?
What the hell? Should I call the cops to report the theft of the 90% or so of them that I don't have here now???

I can see what you are saying about random people walking by, taking a pic of someone signing & not getting anything signed. We've all seen it. but you don't see people do it all the time, to everyone. No. If they are proofing that many people, its because they are there, finding the celebs to hound....not random circumstance encounters.

I already explained not exact proofing. Don't need to re-post that. You've surely read it. I could pester other locals for their proofs of my items, but I honestly have never wanted to do that, since I feel everything on the site should be my property. Theres plenty of pics of me graphing from things like TIFF or the Stanley Cup finals online. But I don't post those on my site, because they are not my photos.


Let's compare your OUAT forgery with some of outlaw_hobbies items

Surely as an autograph hound with years of exposing forgeries you could see these are same hand right?

Or perhaps we should compare your "D"s....

Oh hell let's check out the "J"s I'm in a good mood. (Or whatever letter it is, it's irrelevant as I am sure you will try to go that route)

I think the only question left is, who is your supplier of these forgeries?

Even more alarmingly, these pen strokes are eerily similar to some I've exposed before from eBay forgery seller filmfanatix who specialized in Entertainment...

wow, you really topped yourself in connecting that stuff to mine.

I'm now convinced you couldn't recognize a fake from a real autograph ever in your life.

While I agree with your analysis of that threads seller, you lose your credibility when you try & claim I'm also supplying them with items.

For 1 - why wouldn't I just try & sell these myself? 2- When did I start allegedly doing graphs of people I've never even met?

If you are going to ramble on, please try to stick to a topic. Its becoming TOO easy for me now to belittle you.
I am sure you at some point in your life meant well by this, but you clearly have either lost any ability to do it, or, you are so jaded that you simply believe every item in existence is fake....because that's about the only logic left for how you are acting.

you should go through the thread, find the reply I posted to his "analysis" & tell me how much faith you still have in his analysis.

this post will be your undoing.

you didn't even come close to finding comparable matches on most.
Hopefully this post lives in infamy.
You just outed YOURSELF as the worlds worst autograph analyst.

I see some striking similarities. How odd the guy who obtained some dont see it lol

Ok, noted. I'll do that. There, took all the fakes off my site.

Took me less than 1 second to do it too.

Now, you think you can get the Ryans & Rock to also do something to convince me they aren't morons? It also doesn't take long to do, all it takes them is the time to admit they were wrong.

Morons? That isnt nice. 

Strange instead of fixing you are attacking. Maybe thats because when I call the person who is faking these not so bright its hitting a bit close to home?

I am not doubting you stand around and beg others for free stuff as a matter of fact I am certain of it. I am doubting some of the stuff you sell to the public.


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