Hello! I was on eBay today, searching around for a signed Green Day CD, as one does. When I came across this CD, I was all too excited to place a bid and I did. I soon realized what I had done and then went to go look at Billies signature. I noticed some differences, but trying to stay hopeful I told myself that signatures can be different depending on what people are writing on or how quickly they are writing. Which is true for the most part. I can't take my bid back unless I find a problem with the signatures, I asked the man if he had a photo of him and Billie, Tre,or Mike with no response so already that has be worried. But he has a 99.8% approval rate. This is my first time buying anything that's autographed and Green Day is my favorite band, they have impacted me so much. It would mean the world for me to have this, I just want it to be real? Can someone help me please!? :(

Here is the link to the CD: http://m.ebay.com/itm/282546304376

Tags: Help, Is, real?, this

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Tough one in my opinion. Green Day can be hard to authenticate.
The very untypical Billie would be reason enough to me to stay clear.
That's what I thought, The J doesn't really look like how he does it. I tried conntacting the man to retract my bid but once again no answer.


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