Interesting Ebay Message I Received From Ebay User TorpJones.

Hi Guys,

Well i logged into my ebay account, and was greeted with this message. It really is fairly funny, and i thought i would share this with you. This individual created a new ebay account, listing his area as NY, just to message me. However, i dont think that he is from NY at all.

Now, this could be a number of people. I have certainly ticked off a few in my time by exposing there forgeries. But this blithering buffoon seems to be hinting at what transpired over the last few days between me and a musician i was a fan of. Its interesting i got this message today, and am really curious as to who it was from.

Anyone have any guesses??? 

Subject: torpjones has sent a message
Sent Date: Apr-01-14 17:09:23 PDT

Dear trapper9990,

"you are really a dumba## or need to get off your meds. rather than make noise about someone who actually took the time to post an inquiry you act like a freakin cry baby! that is what you are sink a whiner! You sell those type of autographs on ebaye.

You would have been better off to just correct the misperception and end rather than carry on like the little candy a## you obviously are. Sometimes you need to cowboy up rather than fan the flames.

- torpjones
I have a feeling this was probably from an autograph dealer i have gotten into disputes with, in fact there are several. Can you please point me to the autographs that i have sold on ebay that you are referring too??
Its cowards like this that infect our hobby. And as far as being a candy a##, if being a devout fan of someone for a long time, and then having a very bad experience with that person, and getting upset over it, then yep, you can count me as a candy a##. But i can say one thing, and that is that i dont sell or make up certifications for forgeries. Dont worry though, i will continue to expose and comment on every forgery i see, giving you plenty of publicity.

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Here are his clever stats he made up just to write me on ebay. Gotta love the cowards

torpjones (0)
0.0% Positive Feedback
Member since May-29-02 in United States
Location: ny, United States
Activity with torpjones (last 90 days): I have bid on 0 items from torpjones
Activity with torpjones (last 90 days): torpjones has bid on 0 of my items

Interestingly, i stand corrected. He has been a member since 2002. Can anyone who is better with ebay figure out what other accounts he is using? Or did this guy create this account over a decade ago just to send messages to people he doesnt like?

I will let you guys know if he sends another message, as he will undoubtedly see this, as he is following the boards. I am pretty sure i know who he is, and what a joke he is

User ID Effective Date End Date
torpjones May-29-02 Present

So here is something else interesting about this seller. It appears he is a UACC dealer. This is actually good news, b/c i am sure the UACC board would love to know what there members are doing to make there brand look good. It seems he was trying to clarify something to potential customers, apparently under another of his accounts, and so he used the ebay questions section to write this. I fail to see where his question was. He seemed to have answered it himself.  his message on the ebay boards as follows:


Community Member
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-23-2003
UACC Members -vs- UACC Dealers - What's the difference?

Know the difference and don't be fooled on auction listings that advertise because we are a UACC Member - it's unquestionably ok on signed memorabilia, UACC does not recognize members to "sell autographs".  That doesn't mean they can't list their membership or even sell signed merchandise but to give a false impression is to be forewarned.


or as a Recent Publication from the UACC (universal autograph collectors club) indicates; 



One of the questions we (UACC) receive all the time is what is the difference between UACC members and UACC Dealers? Simply put any collector can join the UACC but they are not recognized by us to sell autographs. Those companies in the UACC Registered Dealer program have submitted an extensive application along with written references to become a one of our approved dealers. UACC policy is to recommend only these dealers to inquiries from collectors. These approved dealers are found on our website with all contact details and are continuously being monitored by our staff. They are also the only ones allowed to use of our logo in their advertising.

It appears this dude is also a regular viewer or potential member on this site. Checking out his past forum posts on ebay, he seems to know all about COA's, TPA's, the Vero process, etc.

My question to you buddy, is you talk about me being a little baby, why not just post a comment here on the boards under the thread a yesterday. Or send me a message on here? It just makes you look all the more like a baby when you dont "cowboy up" and come at me directly. Thats okay, i have a feeling some of the members here will aid me in figuring out who my admirer is.

Here are a few of his comments.

Well i think i figured out who it actually was. It seems that this same individual has a habbit of contacting members on this forum, via ebay, with threatening and vulgar messages.

Our own Fuddjcal apparently received this message from torpjones. Here is a copy of Fudds post from Net54

Fudd, do you know who this guy is?

Here is the entry copied from Net54, the opinions stated there are not my own:

Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 554
Default MORE intimidation tactics from GOD M###### and minions

This response sent to me through my e-bay account LOLOLOL Now this is funny...

Tapia, you really need to keep that loud mouth of yours shut and not speak of others that you have no business to nor knowledge of on blogs all over the place. You seem to be nothing but one of those loudmouths who talks s*** on blogs about others and can only do it on blogs. people like you are the real ones with half a sliver of a brain.

- torpjones

I say F you, I will speak about what I know....which ain't much. It's enough to piss God M###### and his Kumbaya crew off apparently..For the record. I won't stop.
Apparently this is simply one of the goons from Autograph News Live. Does that surprise anyone. Dont worry though TORPJONES, you arent going to have that ebay account for much longer, that you seem to keep, just for threatening members on this site, and promoting those whom you serve.

Do any of these photos mean anything to anyone. Torp Jones seems to have assembled them in photobucket for some reason.

Torpjones's photos you linked to on Photobucket are now private. I guess you embarrassed him. What were they?

It was a bunch of photos of autographs of Charlton Heston, Harrison Ford, and a few others. Some certed by GA. Its hard to tell what he was doing with them. But after seeing how this individual conducts himself, its safe to say, it wasnt anything good.

"torpjones" ís that dim bulb DB...Dennis Bishop, who we suspended in late 2012, I believe. Just ignore him, Carl.

I see Steve, thank you for your response. Doesnt surprise me i suppose considering with who he was chummy with when he was booted from here. I was reading that thread that Fudd was involved with over at net54 and there was a guy posting as dbdb, and if i am remembering correctly he was threatening to beat someone up over the computer. Not sure if thats the DB that used to post here or not. But amusing none the less. Its odd though, i thought we got along well while he was here except for our difference of opinion over Grant. But if that is indeed him, then i guess he fully his embraced his new found friends. What a shame. 

I also find it very interesting and surprising that whoever it is, created that account over 12 years ago, and has never bought or sold a thing. And with the kind of filth he sends people he doesnt like, you have got to wonder, if this individual has kept an account for 12 years just to troll other people and to play internet tough guy, then what is he truly involved in. 

I look forward too, and hope Fudd will reply here, as he has history with torpjones as well. And knowing Fudd, it ought to be entertaining.

I see Dennis Bishop DB otherwise known as Dumb Bastard, is still infatuated with me LOLOL. I haven't commented on the DoucheBag in 6-7 months, in fact I've been pretty judicious with my comments lately, but yet Travis Fat Head and DB obviously can't get enough of my dynamic personality and are just haters in general. I give them a big 2 finger salute...DB Complete stalker LOSER and that's being nice in a nut shell. He asked what have I done for collectors? Not save the world like Travis has done. Gooidy goody gum drops!!

What I have done jack a**, is expose you for being a no social skill misfit PERIOD plain and simple. Nothing nice to say and with NO humor. You are a sorry pathetic excuse for a human being...forget autographs. Dennis Bishop....DB Torp, torpjones (wow, I broke a big case, NOT)You are Hooked on Moronics

Hi, Carl.

I really like your job on Blues autographs and on exposing all this forgeries. I'd like to show my support by this picture and gif.

Cheers, George.



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