I'm not too familiar with Roger's loa's so would anyone be able to tell me if this is the real deal? This is one of the worst freddie fakes I've ever seen and the seller has what he says is a genuine Epperson loa. A while back I was able to point out to roger that a Freddie Mercury letter he approved years ago was not genuine and he stepped right up and took the proper steps to get the item refunded to whomever bought it. I'm wondering if this is a miss on Freddie for him or perhaps the loa was fabricated by someone along the way? If it's real, I'd like to email him and point it out. Prices for freddie are rising by the day thanks to the film, so items like this are a danger. The freddie is hard to see on the loa but if you zoom in, you can make out some of the lines. Thanks.

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The upper part looks like my Epperson LOA's

But something funny about the photo's portion

Maybe this is a photocopy of some kind?

I just can't be sure from this scan

Thanks goodcat. I may just have to email him and ask, to be honest. 

I was thinking same

its the best way to be sure

Looks like there was a pretty bad glare one the left side I'd the single when scanned or photographed, but here's a zoom in of the freddie on the loa as it is hard to see.

I have a great many of these, and this one looks correct.  But as others have stated, asking Roger to affirm is the best course....

An email will go out when I get home tonight. Thanks 

any new word on this?

Not yet. Rest assured, it'll be updated when anything new comes in

Thanks Tim. I already emailed him to ask if it was his real COA, but still haven't heard back. I'll update when he responds. 


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