
I recently purchased this Isabel Sanford signed index card (seller claims it was signed in the 80s by a collector who was a waiter; did they even have these types of markers back then?):

I've searched around and it has similar characteristics to other authentic ones I have seen. Here are some examples:

Notice the unique formation of the "s" in Isabel and how the z in Weezy connects to y.  

Any contributions would be greatly appreciated!

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Oh yeah, I have an autograph of hers. Can't say I'm too familiar with her signatures, but given the examples you posted, it looks close enough, no?

Thanks for the reply Brick! It does look close, you're right. I was a little skeptical of it's authenticity because most of the other stuff up for sale looked unauthentic to some of us here; I got it for.cheap too; another reason why I was sort of weary.

All of the details on it are right on, maybe this was the one item for sale that was authentic in my opinion haha. It looks dead on with the second example I posted; barring some minor details.

Thanks again!
I decided to do a quick opinion with psa for it. I dont know if i should take it with a grain of salt but:

Response: "Likely Not Genuine"  

Things havent been going my way recently- even with research

With all due respect, QO rarely gives me the impression that it knows anything.

It is too conservative in my opinion, plain and simple. Two pieces that failed a quick opinion, when i sent them in, got indeterminable grade..

Honestly, these exenplars would lead you to the conclusion that it is likely genuine, no? I hope it is genuine. I spent a lot of time looking into it, but the dealer has some very.unlikely authentic pieces as said by a few on here. Hopefully this one is real..

It looks great to me. Fits the examples you posted to a T.

Thanks for the opinion Steve!! Much appreciated!

Mike, I can assure you that the autograph you have is authentic. I represented Ms. Sanford for over 30 years. It was my office that processed autograph requests sent to her.


Thank you for your opinion/reassurance.  However, his particular autograph was claimed to have been signed In person (not through the mail): "...was obtained from a long-time collector.  He was a waiter in an L.A. eatery" is what the seller told me.  

Anyway, did Ms. Sanford ever use secretaries to sign autographs?  

Any other information you can provide would be invaluable to the autograph collecting community.




No one ever signed photos for Ms. Sanford; she signed them all personally. The process was that all fan mail and autograph requests came to my office. My assistant would read and review everything that came in. Unfortunately, sometimes letters that a client should not see also arrived. Any letter that was not appropriate for the addressee to see personally was filed without being responded to. By far (perhaps thousands to one), the letters that Ms. Sanford received were all positive and/or were requests for an autographed photo.

Once a month, my assistant would give me the stack of fan mail and a supply of unsigned photos. I personally sat with Ms. Sanford and read through each letter with her and then had her personally address and sign each photo that was requested.

Ms. Sanford also always gave autographs whenever possible while out in public. At industry events, airports, restaurants, whenever asked, if she could do it, she would. She recognized that her popularity and the success of "The Jeffersons" was the result of fans liking and continuing to watch the show. She never forgot that.

Lastly, if you are interested in reading more about Ms. Sanford and her career, shortly after her death in 2004, we launched the Website IsabelSanford.tv in her honor.

Beautiful. I can imagine she was a very kindhearted lady. Thank.you for the information!!

That's great information to know. IsabelSanford.tv seems to be a great source of information and remembrance. Too few stars over the year took the time out of their lives to read letters and sign for fans.



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