Need your assistance again.. and hoping Roger will weigh in. Thanks so much !!

Regards,  Lauren

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Im not an expert on this,but it looks like it could be real.

Alastair, in my limited experience so do I. I have printed out this .. and compared it with many authentic Morrison signatures .. and find more similarities, especially slope of the writing itself as a whole, and each letter. Although the M is immature to others.. I have found some similar.

Hopefully others will weigh in.

In my opinion, it is not authentic. I think it's a poor forgery.

As a whole its poor.. or are there letters that seem, somewhat unusual.. that are distracting?

The "Mor" portion of the signature is way off. Look at how the "m" curves back up to the top and then stops, and then the "o" is formed. The two lines forming the first "r" aren't even connected. It's pretty bad, in my opinion.

Yes, I notice the M curving up.. and the disconnected R .. thats what make this intrigueing and confusing for me. The balance of the signature looks good except for the M and the 1st R.. and with the M .. its the carry through (upward sweep) only .. as the writing of the M .. matches others. If you look at the O part of the MOR .. it seems pretty close to others.

I would say that the "m" and "o" don't look right at all, and the way in which the "s" and "o" are connected doesn't look right either. Also, parts of the signature appear to me to have been slowly drawn.

Good call !

I guess when you want something to be real .. you will find the things to support your hopeful outcome, even in the light of conflicting evidence.

Thank you.

I don't believe it's authentic either, good eyes!


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