Super clean signatures

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Love this!!!


these are sooo cool

Roger, I would really like to talk to you....will you please email me

I have one also!


Show us yours... Hey Chris - you still interested in doing some trading??

Let me know


Mark I will post soon....interested in selling a few items, moving soon


Excuse me, but these are NOT AUTHENTIC Kiss signatures. The Destroyer LP you posted was, this is without a doubt not. This is a 90s era reunion promo photo. You will not find a single example that match any of these signatures from this era or beyond (that was not signed by the same person who signed this.)

Hi John, 

You're wrong about that. Uncommon does not equal wrong. That Gene will stand up to any scrutiny provided its measured against a proper vintage or vintage style signature. Roger has one, I have two. You can still find Pauls Love Gun-nish signatures out there, it takes patience. I know what I'm talking about, besides that I know where this came from. These are beautiful signatures and they're absolutely real.........just uncommon!

Check this out and refer to the signature

1. It's real

2. Signed in 98

40 years, hundreds of 1000s of autographs. The only thing that effects KISS signatures, is KISS.

Sometimes they're neat sometimes they're messy. Can you imagine the varieties. At a tattoo convention in

NJ mid 2000s a guy in front of me asked Gene point blank if he would sign a full signature, Gene told him that

No one would think it was him,,,,,,,,,, but he did it. All he had to do was ask. I do not have fakes and I'm not selling. I just wanted to show things to the group.

No one but KISS signed that photo. The fact that the signatures are neat and full just makes it all the better. 

I'm having to agree with John McGinnis on this one. I thought the Kiss Destroyer signed LP was an amazing piece, but this signed promo photo leaves doubt in my mind, about it being authentic. 

The signatures are signed kinda sketchy and if you look at the second E in Peter and the E in Ace, these appear to be signed almost with very similar shape and form, like it was signed by the same person.

Peter Criss' signature, the Peter part of the signature looks like it was signed/drawn with some slowness, but the Criss part of the signature looks to have a smoother pace flow to it, but it still doesn't look right or legit.

The way Paul Stanley is signed, the P in Paul looks off, but as the signature progresses toward the middle, the signer appears to have some uncertainty with the form of Paul's signature.

With Gene Simmons signature, the ENE is Gene doesn't look right, but IMO, the whole signature itself doesn't look right to me.

Looking at all the signatures combined, it does look like it was signed by the same person.  Just my opinion.  Nothing more.

Here are my 3

And here is Roger Eppersons

The Dynasty and the Double Platinum Gene Signatures were both signed during the

week of June 15, 1979. First night of the Dynasty tour.

BJ 105 the big time radio station gave away a lot of tickets, I'm sure

everyone remembers they had booked the 14th and 15th but didn't sell tickets.

The Double Platinum was part of a concert give away package and the Dynasty

was signed outside of the station.

How is this even debatable?

Look at the way the slashes on the dollar sign slashes angle up to the right, on Rogers and mine.

The last "S" in Simmons on all 4 is a KISS logo style "S"

The way the "E's" in Gene are scratchy are also nearly the same on Rogers and my Reunion Picture

The big looping "G" on Gene match all 4 similarly.

They're obviously all Genes they just vary slightly & that's to be expected.

And I'm pretty sure that instead of stating that they are soooo cool Roger would

have called me out. You need good exemplars before you can compare and from

1979 to 1996 that Vintage, Love Gun era Gene hasn't changed all that much.

They're Real



I'm sure the "so cool" statement was in reference to something other than this trainwreck.  Your Destroyer and Love Gun sets are very nice. You can show all of the real examples you want and yes, the four vintage signatures above are real too, but it doesn't make the one on the promo photo real. There is no comparison. The promo photo in gold was signed by one person = all four signatures. They also signed it VERY SLOWLY. Not one single signature of the four is authentic.

They're NOT Real


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