Super clean signatures

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Post yours up Chris when you get a chance please..



Mark, I will later tonight or tomorrow

Chris, I thought you were going to post yours for a comparison?

Chris, are you going to post your photo? I am very curious to see it.

Chris, are you implying that yours is identical including the signatures? Like a preprint or something?

KISS has not had any record of auto penned or preprints. Former Mgr Bill Aucoin accused them of auto penning some of the KISSTORY signed pages. An accusation that I personally don't believe. I've been trying to tell you guys my story and most of you shot me down. I'm grateful Chris spoke up. I can't wait to see his picture.

John Reece has been very forth coming and has a point to what he is saying. Do I think the photo is real?  I have no clue.  But Mr. Reece has made some very good points and I for one am leaning towards what he is saying.  He seems to really know his stuff when it comes to KISS.  

And I would love for Roger to chime in with is 411 on the subject of the photograph.  


Awesome Chris I look forward to seeing your picture, half a dozen people on this board have called me a liar even after I have been incredibly forthcoming with a ton of evidence to the contrary.  I will certainly be looking forward to you getting yours scanned and posted. You won a roadie contest and the one I have was originally given to a high ranking Madison Square Garden executive. Obviously they did not give something that nice to just anyone.

reading through this thread I do not see anyone trying to discredit anyone. I think everyone that knows anything about Kiss signatures can see this promo photo is bad from 10 paces back. All of Reece's LPs and other exemplars (for some reason he keeps posting vintage signature examples and other authentic signatures, even though the promo photo is definitely not real) are legitimate.

By the way Reece you are wrong about Kiss & autopen varieties. Gene used an autopen for the hardback store variety of SEX MONEY KISS (nice sticker on the front of book saying it was "signed by the author"). There were between 6 and 10 different variations, all stirred up in the carton as to mislead people if they were to open the book in the store and compare with another right behind it. If you took the time to open them up and compare you would always find two alike in each carton of books. They were shipped this way to deceive and this is how it worked with all bookstores. If you purchased a SEX MONEY KISS book signed in silver, and you did not obtain it yourself in person (or from someone else who did) you purchased an autopen.

Same goes for Peter's new book.

I have never seen a copy of KIsstory that matches another and the signatures have stop and flow points that are not typical of an autopen, but I would not put it past Kiss to try and pull anything off...D

I said know. The band. I did not mention individually.
Then I used KISSTORY as my example of NOT being auto penned. I don't care about Gene or Peters books, they're hardly collectibles. You just wrote about a lot of things I didn't even talk about. As far as the exemplars they are pictures of signatures that are in my current collection. Why don't you go back and actually read what I wrote, I've given plenty of great information........supporting my point.
Everyone else has just said "uh uh"

It is far from the only problem I see, but has anyone ever seen Ace use his hanging "Y" in Frehley as the right side of his card sketch? Would like to see an example if so. I personally have not.

I dont know Kiss well enough to say anything on these autographs. I enjoy seeing examples of genuine Kiss autographs, b/c they are so often forged, and they often fool me. 

But maybe this press club photo isnt authentic John. I read where you obtained it from, but you never know how that individual acquired it since it was bought off his estate (at least i think i read that correctly). He may have been given that pic by a member or someone else who signed on behalf of the band. From all the responses it seems that something along that nature may have happened. It seemed everyone loved the other items you posted, but the press photo is giving alot of people trouble. So perhaps it is bad and just came from a good source who was fooled himself. Im not saying thats what happened but it seems more plausible. I dont see any ganging up, it just appears this one photo has some major problems. Again i dont have an authenticity opinion on this item b/c its above my head.

But i also noticed Rogers reply, and although i may be reading into it, it seemed like he agreed that the press photo may be bad as well. He stated that he thought the look on Aces face was cool, and seeing the discrepancy on the photo, i think that if he thought it was authentic that he would have stated it then and their.  I might be reading into it, but that just seemed like a logical place to me where he would have stated it was authentic if it was.

No doubt you know your kiss, and i know myself and many others are so sick of Joey Meyers and his aliases and cohorts posting fake Kiss graphs that seeing Kiss in the title honestly raises my suspicions from the get go. But when the autographs are authentic, their authentic, and you seem to have some great and rare items. But with all this controversy over this one item, is it possible that the original owner obtained an inauthentic set and just didnt know it? Stories get passed down from one collector to another and sometimes its hard to say what was what by the time it ends up with its final owner. Just throwing that out their. Not questioning your knolwedge as you seem to know a great deal, but it appears there is more here than it might appear.

Either way i hope its real for you



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