what do you think of ghis Lana Turner? Writing itself seems to be okay, but it's not her usual red ink of later years (the felt tip used seems to indicate a sig later in life) and in a whole it looks a little too large in comparison to authentic examples I know.
Permalink Reply by eddy on October 27, 2024 at 6:56pm
Not a fan of the "Sincerely" "S" in #1 nor the lack of a comma after the "y".
#2 looks more promising to me.
I do sometimes wonder about these early glamour images that are said to be signed later. Lana especially seemed to sign pretty current images throughout the phases of her career which extended into the 1980s.
Thanks as always for you help, Eddy! I found some trusteorthy examples messing the comma after "sincerely"as well. But I'm still hesitating concerning #1.