Hey guys,my friend wants to sell this picture signed by Lennon and Yoko.I told him it was absolutely not real. Then I thought it would post it anyway just to get confirmation from.you guys.

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Did John ever have a housekeeper called Lisa? I cannot see any reference to one. If he did when was Lisa active?

If your friend got it from a friend who knew and worked for John, I would have thought he would have taken more interest in finding out more - including looking at potential values. If it had been a "lucky punch" fleamarket buy or (even more so) a gift or inheritance I could maybe understand your friend's lack of research.

Perhaps I'm too much of a collector myself to appreciate the way non-collectors think. On the other hand, if your friend bought the photo he must have some interest in autographs or Lennon.

Does Beatleworld recall where he has seen this before?

How did you check that the ink isn't printed? It is not always that easy to distinguish real ink from printed ink.


Just spoke with the seller and I was wrong with my facts.just a case of me not really listening good.enough. (one of my many problems lol )anyway Lisa was apparently living in the building John and Yoko were living in ,in NYC in the early 70s.she told my friend that she used to see them a lot and they signed a picture for her.Sorry for the false info.
As for the sigs.they are definitely ink on paper.blue felt tip.this one was easy to see.the picture is super super glossy.like usual I put the picture under a light and looked at it from an angle and you can clearly see the matted ink strokes on top of the glossy picture.one of the easier ones to figure out for sure.
He is a Beatles fan but not a collector.n o reply from beatleworld yet as to where he had seen it before.
Hi, I can't remember where I've seen it, I've got an archive on some dvd's, I'll try to find them and let you know, it's the "to Lisa" bit I think I recognise.


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