Thinking of adding an MJ autograph to my collection. Do any of these look authentic? Realize eBay may not be the best place to look so would appreciate your valuable opinions.
In my opinion, I think the first 2 are genuine, absolutely no doubts about the first, slight doubts about the second but I think it's genuine.The third is fake.
Permalink Reply by Phil on November 26, 2020 at 6:56am
IMO The first is a style that I see alot by a certain Ebayer and he's always selling mj signed items with the exact I'm very dubious about that one ..
Second does look real but I'd get Roger epperson to check it out and third I'd say fake
Permalink Reply by Phil on November 27, 2020 at 2:00am
I'd look for something with a Roger epperson coa and then contact Roger to advise on the authenticity of both the signature and coa...coas are widely forged so always check direct. Hope you find one