can I have some opinions please. Years ago it came with a scoreboard coa that was laminated. I’ve never been comfortable with that signature being authentic. Before I destroy it I thought I would ask your Mantle experts. many thanks
Does the Scoreboard COA appear copied or is it an original copy? Mantle signed for ScoreBoard but unscrupulous people copy the COA and sell fake signatures. It’s definitely a fake if the COA is a copy. I actually knew Ken Goldin who ran ScoreBoard in Cherry Hill, NJ.
The coa is only 3.5x3.5 inches. And laminated. I don’t remember scoreboard certs being that small or laminated. It says Mickey Mantle on the cert but that doesn’t make it real. I just don’t like the signature. I’ve seen a lot of authentic mantle signatures and this one doesn’t look right. for what it’s worth here’s the Coa.