Hey, what's up guys. I just jointed the site and am very impressed by how everyone has been helping each other out. I'm been a huge movie buff my whole life but have only recently (~1 year) been getting into the autographed memorabilia.
I made the same rookie mistakes at the beginning like most; Autographs that looked too good to be true at a ridiculous price. Having been burned, now I only purchase 100% PSA/DNA, JSA, AFTAL, or pieces with clear signature proof.
Attached is my collection so far. I think it's pretty eclectic and I'm pretty happy with it. The latest piece is the Rocky Signed (stallone/weathers) poster that I just bought from Josh Clark at RACC--can't wait to receive it.
Best Wishes and hope to get to know more of you guys.
Welcome John, I too collect movie autographs and have tons of movie posters. Moving forward be very careful with JSA entertainment stuff and anything from Celebrity Authentics. It's never good to buy on just the sticker alone. Happy collecting!