The concept for this site is amazing! I just signed up. I apologize to seasoned users who I've already frustrated w my post w no photos. I'm new, and I'll get it. But uploads I've tried aren't posting yet. Welcome to hear feedback, ideas.
I have a range of items to add to the group and I can't wait! I needed a place like this. Dave Winfield, Natalie Portman, Fred Couples, Ken Griffey Jr, Shawn Kemp, Marisa Tomei, Chuck Daly, Quentin Tarantino...I have a weird lot of autographs I mostly collected in person.
Looking fwd to meeting you all!
Peace ✌️
How please?
Unless that is you in the photo?
Even if, the signed item is not shown so this photograph is worthless. A "Proof" photo must show the exact item signed. If not, prove I didn't take the photo. Even this one.
Otherwise, this is a photo of someone getting something signed. Could be anything.
Okay, good to know thats how the community views 1st person provenance. I'm on the left, took it quick as he signed after i handed it to him, his flannel security is on the right. Tomei's ppl yelled 'No Photos or Ms Tomei will not sign!' I took one shot right at that moment (not posted) and nothing more and she still came over and signed the bill QT handed her to sign.
You said "mostly - how would I know about this specific piece? To be coldly technical this photo shows me you were there. There is no proof that or anything else was signed by him.
This is a genuine and true proof photo as you can see. I owned the negatives as well but sold this in favor of a different Corgan item. This went to Mexico for very good very fair money.
Please, do click to enlarge:
Really not trying to argue with you but based on what I'm seeing you try to show me, that don't prove s*** either. Where are you? Anyways, I don't care. I'm asking questions. Don't come at me like I'm some jerkoff
Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about and/or looking at. This is DEAD proof. It's a case closed.
Do you realize, I guess you don't as a newbie, but the phrase "I got it myself" has been...a bit overused shall we say. I think of S.D. right now.
Here is a picture of me and my good friend from across the sea since early days in NYC "Eds" (Redmayne) after one of his awesome "Red" performances.
Click to enlarge:
Now, is that me? (Of course).
Does it mean he signed anything?
Is he even my friend?
Such a photo, even if he were signing something out of sight, means nothing at all. You still can't be certain that is indeed me (it is).
See my point?
Bro....are we in some kind of competition? My first post and whatnot. I don't get the animosity. I'm open to the information but it's like you're trying to gag me into submission. You are great and all knowing. I bend the knee. Relax!
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