What do you think. Looks legit to me.

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I have a bad feeling about that. I´m not saying it´s fake or anything strict - I just dont like it. 

I agree.

I found another one offered by a british dealer.that looks nearly identical

I find both copies to be fully authentic. This was part of a fundraiser for the 1988 Armenian earthquake. There are noticeable differences between both copies, which I am assuming were signed for promotional purposes. Time period of '89 fits this Gilmour signature style.

And it fits the style of that period from the other 3 as well.  All now have more truncated styles.  

Thanks very much everyone. How much could this be worth? 

Its a very niche item, so extremely tough to say. Need to find the right buyer, $500ish maybe?

Genuine, I have two of these.

yeah looks like there are some around. Funny mine also came with a poster but no Gilmour signature on this one.

But to be honest I only bought to resell it.

They look good to me. 

Thanks folks for opinion. They are up for sale now


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