I started this thread to gather information on Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett signatures to hopefully determine just how rare or common he is to collect. 

As well as hopefully determine current market values.

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Thx brutha

I was shaking in the last few minutes and seconds of the bid countdown

Today will be drinks to celebrate

Im still in shock..

Please know I am very happy for you. This has it all. Late date, binding not missing. Good strong sig w contrast. I think you did very well!  

You know I am very happy for you - all qualities!! Great date - everything A+++!!!

Thx Eric.

You know how much I wanted this.

and you played a big part in getting it. 

Your inputs don't go unnoticed or appreciated. 

That means so much to me Sean. I only wanted to help select quaklity. Truly. So happy for you because I know what this means to you. You got it!!! :) 

Thx again Eric.

This is a very special piece and will be well taken care of, using cotton gloves and protected case with acid free paper to preserve the signature and cover from wearing. And thx for your advice on how to take care it. I know you have extensive knowledge in museum pieces.

I can only hope that the owners of these items who have aquired them to sell for profit, are taking proper care of them. These are considered works of art with the handmade covers. 

The people who I just bought this Roger Barrett book from tell me that they were the couple that bought Lot 725 at the 2006 Cheffins auction. They went on to say that there are about 15 signed/initialed books in that lot of 23. 

This is good news. 

Also, there were a few other signed/initialed books sold separately.

That would bring an unofficial count to say approx 20 books. 

I've sent an email to Cheffins and asked for detailed information on these books. Hopefully they reply with good news. 

I would like to know how many Syd Barrett exemplars exist within the top auntenticators. I know that one authenticator has a count in the 20's. The problem with this is how many exemplars are the same.  Add this count to the Cheffins 20 and the Mick Rock 320 and I would bet this total would give a good indication of how rare Barrett signatures are.  

I went through one auction site and found that since around 2007 to present, only about 15 Barrett signatures have been listed by them. That's a pretty darn small number.

I'd like to talk about this book, and I'm sure Eric will weigh in here haha

It's a bit of an oddity. The book is 1988 and the signature/inscription is 1988. But, it has remnants that it was covered in Roger's hand crafted paper and taped which also covered the ink work. I wonder why?

Also, it looks like the person who owns/owned it has removed the paper cover to reveal the ink work and sell it. This is a bit disturbing as now I would consider it a damaged piece of art. 

I have no clue who removed the cover and or why, but I would like to know the story behind it. 

If anyone knows it's background...please add comments.

Yes I know it came from Cheffins auction Lot #725

This book (previous post) recently sold for $884 + 22.5% = $1082

This current auction (below) is at approx $925 with only 1 bid and will most likely be the final price or not much higher IMO (ends in 4 days)

I paid approx $725 for my Cheffins book, which makes me very happy I didn't buy the first book that came my way at approx $1700. Far too overpriced IMO and by current market price evaluations.

These are pretty good markers for what these books are fetching on the open market right now.

I will be posting a Mick Rock "Psychedelic Renegades" (signed copy) market evaluation is a day or so. 

Well, some will not realize the meaning of that age tone. Cheffins catalog might well have the data showing if this was sold with a cover or not initially. I suspect, even with such rarity, copies that retain the original cover will be more desirable. Those that present as missing will have a cloud over them. And remember the discussion about halting that age stain now in your book - back and front.

Is the ant correlation between what he signed and how/where? I wish this had all been cataloged if it has not. 

I am currently in talks with a person at Cheffins and they are looking into any information they can tell me about these books. I agree that each book should have been documented separately. Some goofed on this auction. 

My book will get the proper care as we have discussed. 

Mick Rock's Psychedlic Renegades (signed by Rock & Barrett) current market price evaluation.

There are 3 books on sale now with prices of; GBP 2995, 2495 and 2000 which converts to USD approx 4000, 3340 and 2680. All over inflated prices, because of the Mick Rock name IMO.

The book for 2000GBP (2680usd) just closed and NOT sold. However, I contacted the seller and he replied with a counter offer of 1700GBP (2275usd).

I can only think of a few reasons for it not being sold and they are as follows; Price too high, Everyone interested in Syd has already got a copy, Interest in Syd is decreasing or it's so close to christmas that folks don't have available funds. And if the reason is Xmas, then this may not give an accurate current market value assessment.

So... if anyone here is interested in this book and did not follow the auction... here is your opportunity to get one. I'm still going to wait for that sweet spot of a deal as this book is definitely on my list. 


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