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I do wonder how many were made available for the UK store.

I ordered a few but cancelled most of them now. I really have some concerns about what is happening.

The CDs were very hard to get I tried all day with check4change addon and adding to basket and for it to go quicker than I can checkout but the LP I woke up for 5am ordered four and woke to find still available. I checked again soon after 5am on the day it was due to go from the store and it was and still is for sale. She sure has some busy hands to sign that many for the UK.

I think Taylor plays it smart. She knows Arctic Monkeys are releasing on the same day as her in the Uk so has allocated more than usual to the Uk to make sure she gets number 1. Im also assuming the vinyls are a higher profit margin/more attractive to fans/collectors so she’s signed more of those than the cds 

Is there any way to check payment method I used after the order I placed two orders by mistake and need to cancel the wrong payment method order both orders were within minutes of each other. I wish PayPal sent emails quicker with the actual order number of purchase.

this is the first night since this started that I fell asleep before midnight and didn't check so of course, they drop something, woke up a few hours later and of course, the green was gone but I got the other 2,  we were at 150,000 signed items before these so I guess this puts it at maybe 200,000

I bought one for my daughter. Not sure if I should buy the others. 

Are you talking about cds or the vinyl?

I'm not positive that it's true but I read that she released 100,000 of the signed Cds and then 50,000 of the signed vinyls, and now this drop. I imagine that's worldwide and I know we never question the authenticity of Taylor's signature but whatever the number is, it is a ridiculous amount at this point. she had to start signing these several months ago which is possible since she was quiet for so long. 

I’m absolutely shocked at how many she’s put out there—will be really interesting to see the quality of the signature. I can’t imagine we’ll see any autopen—but these kinda numbers do make me a bit nervous.

yeah I've always been nervous with her stuff since she puts out more than you would think one person could realistically do, but she's been well vouched for on here and is definitely one of the artists that everybody says would not cheat her fans. but the fun part now is waiting to see if you get a heart or lyrics or any of the extras she puts on some of them that make them rarer. I even read that some people found WB initials inside the Folklore booklets which were from her boyfriend Joe Alwyn who helped write songs on the album under the anonymous pseudonym William Bowery

I missed out on all of the signed cds, but I snagged one of the vinyls for my 12 year old daughter who is in love with her and I picked up a signed mahogany vinyl for myself just to add to the collection. Debating about picking up the other available vinyl. I can't imagine these having too much value considering how many signatures are out there.

Jade signed vinyl restocked on US Store. Can anyone see how many?



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