I bought this at a Goodwill many years ago, always wondered if it was authentic or not.  Top right corner of the cover has gold promo lettering so I thought it might be from a radio station.   So what do you think?

thanks, Harry

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Ask Roger Epperson.
who is that and how would I do it?
It looks like it was signed in silver paint pen and it is dated 6/1/78....silver or any paint pens did not come out until 1983
it's not signed with a paint pen, it's signed with a grease pencil   (I think that's what they called them)
you still need to know if grease pencils were used at that time,all of the signatures from that time period(and prior) were either signed in ballpoint pen or felt tip

I'm confused, are you saying grease pencils did not exist then?  And that the band refused to sign anything unless they were allowed to use a pen or felt tip?

hi,no..im not saying the band refused to sign if there was no pen.i dont think grease pencils were used in that time frame,A band will sign with any writing instrument they have     ,im saying its a uncommon writing instrument to use and i dont think they were on the market at that time.

 I guess the main question is do the signatures match known good signatures from the era.  I was able to find more recent examples and Tom's appears to have changed but the others looked pretty good to me.


It looks strange to me.
i agree,the grease pen(even though i thought paint pen) just seems that it was used to make the signatures stand out and more appealing ,the signatures dont really match up to some of the genuine examples i have seen,   I hope you didnt pay alot for it
no, I bought it at a goodwill years ago probably paid a dollar for it.


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