VAN MORRISON Latest Record Project Volume I (Amazon Signed Exclusive)

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Strange - MusicToday cancelled my order last week, and I got my full refund yesterday. Obviously not everyone there is on the same page.

Had it already shipped?

No - I requested the cancellation as soon as the first word of autopen/stamps appeared on this thread.


This is what I received, as we can all see the lyrics have a printed signature, 

when I wrote to Townsend music who I purchased these from they tell me they have written confirmation from Van’s management that all signature are genuine.

Attachments: No photo uploads here

It's incredible how ball-less and sleazy these people are. 

Wasnt there a real signed Van pre-order cd on a prior release?  Cant remember the title or year

There were signed versions of his last few, Prophet, Three Chords, Versatile, etc. that all seemed legit. I can understand him not wanting to do that anymore, but if that’s the case, just stop offering them!


This is their response when I asked to see the proof. 

So this happened:


Melissa Ketola (Musictoday)

May 11, 2021, 13:23 EDT

Hi William!

I am so sorry you are unhappy with the item. We are glad to accept as a return for a refund. I have attached the necessary paperwork. 

Please see the attached PDF files. There is a USPS Postage Paid Return Label and a Return Form. Print and attach the label to the return package. There are no additional fees due by you for the use of this label.

In section A on the form be sure to include your order number, email address, and what the issue is that you are returning it for. 

You do not need to fill out Section B, which is for exchanges. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Customer Service

William Haskell

May 11, 2021, 10:45 EDT

Van Morrison’s management has publicly confirmed he didn’t sign any of these forms MusicToday. I received mine yesterday. I had to open it to even confirm that the art cart had been included. It is clearly an autopen, similar to your prior ozzy Osborne release. I want a full refund including shipping costs, and return shipping is on you if you even want this garbage back. 
I will also be filing with BBB and regulatory agencies regarding the mail and wire fraud perpetrated here. 
Will Haskell

I also just got a similar message and prepaid return labels from Music Today. Strength in numbers! Thanks to all who wrote in and complained. Let’s hope this sends a strong message to these unscrupulous artists, managers, and stores who have been trying to fool us!


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