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I NEVER LIE, AND EVERYTHING I STATED WAS/IS THE TRUTH! Why do you have to be such a jerk and say "the story is all fiction". You personally: RANDY just caused me to make this my last post because I'm terminally ill with no family and don't need to be personally attacked. If you want to attack the issues: GREAT! If you want to bash me for my mistakes: FINE. But give me a chance to retort. Just don't attack each other as that get no one anywhere. I have more than enough to deal with as it is- you can thank Randy for making me no longer trust this board. Just do me a small favor & read this post.

I started collecting cards in 1987. I never owned cards as a kid because my father abandoned me with my Sociopath mother when I was 21-months old. I had a truly SCREWED-UP life until I had the chance to change it at age 19 and became an EKG/Pacemaker Technologist for Medtronic (a Fortune 500 company) with no High School diploma. I was the only employee they ever hired without a college degree and I excelled immediately. That was my career for 16-years (as an EKG Technologist and educator) until I could no longer sit due to Degenerative Disk/Joint disease by late 2001. I now have (5) ruptured disks in my neck & low back with excruciating nerve pain all day/every day since 2004.


I saw that the ink was way too uniform, but I didn't want to insult anyone from just a scan and say it was a pre-print as I NEVER SAW THAT MUNSON CARD BEFORE TODAY! If I had it in my hand I would have EASILY seen which was the facsimile- BUT I DIDN'T HAVE THAT LUXURY- DID I? From the condition of that card (many creases easily seen) the pre-print could have easily been the light version of the signature & you want to see me hanged for making that mistake??? THANKS!!! Obviously you never make mistakes, right? Why don't I send you an EKG for advanced interpretation?

EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES WHEN GIVING AN OPINION. This goes for Authenticators AND Forensic Document Examiners. The difference is Forensic Document Examiners that charge a fee must at least be COURT QUALIFIED as an expert witness. This takes extensive training before any judge would allow you to testify in their courtroom.

Like all the authenticators, Randy is repeating what someone else wrongly said on another web site. I moved to Clearwater, FL in Feb. 2000 & one of the first things I did was drive to the Tampa FBI Office & got a FULL copy of Operation Bullpen. Then I read it cover to cover UNLIKE RANDY! Donald Frangipani was not accused or charged with ANYTHING! If he was, and like I stated in my FIRST post- why would the FBI use him as an EXPERT FDE WITNESS in FBI cases as their expert witness AFTER Operation Bullpen??? Call Donald Frangipani and ask him yourself. If you go to his office (as I'm sure some of you are in NYC) he will show you proof. But people like Randy don't want the truth, they just want to be "gossip queens" and feel like they are part of a group. Since Randy attacked me first, I feel I have the same right.

In late 1999, I investigated over (10) eBay ID's & linked them all together for selling all fake "autographed" bat/ball combos that NO ONE ever called eBay and did anything about before. Several of the ID's were selling fakes for YEARS!!! So I got the name, address, phone number and SS# of the main seller and contacted eBay's attorney. After I sent over all the evidence I spent months collecting, eBay suspended ALL ten ID's for life which even back then was a VERY RARE thing for eBay to do. Even Agent Fitzsimmons from Operation Bullpen had no idea any of this was going on even though the main sellers (Scott & Lori Davis from Laguna Beach, CA) bought all their items from none other than WAYNE BRAY'S people. WHY DIDN'T YOU CATCH THIS RANDY?

Then I put Playoff (Donruss/playoff as of 2002) & Pacific out of business BY MYSELF for more fraud than anyone ever imagined. I did dozens of major investigations that brought justice to many thousands of collectors from 1997-2004. But just for the one eBay forgery bust alone I did more for the autograph hobby than anyone on this board & I did it all 100% at my own expense.

You know, I get bashed for explaining my illnesses. So I didn't mention it here at first. But now you know why I have to. Perhaps it was my POOR EYESIGHT that comes & goes due to my severe Myasthenia Gravis/MG (I have the absolute worst form in it's worst stage) that caused me to miss the facsimile. My MG comes with a Thymoma tumor blocking all medications from working except three that I've been on for over ten years or more. If I get the flu and need any anti-biotic THE FLU WILL KILL ME because no medications work at all on me.

I'd be willing to bet Randy likes James Spence or is even friends with him or another "authenticator". Then explain this: Upper Deck made the first cut signature card of the 1st four members of the baseball Hall Of Fame, it was a 1/1 card. James Spence was the authenticator & ALL FOUR AUTOGRAPHS WERE PROVEN TO BE FORGERIES BY SEVERAL FDE'S & BECKETT! This is why Beckett stopped using Spence on their graded cards (at least for a while). He also was busted more than once by TV Reporters who never tried to forge an autograph before. So they practiced for a few minutes, then brought the forgery to Spence who was at a Chicago National (in one case), he authenticated the forgery the reporter made just minutes before & was on the TV News in Chicago. You can find those stories on YouTube & several news web sites.  

James McCay

Feel free to contact me directly:


I am wondering, why are you bringing your bad childhood, EKG Tech work history and health history into this?  I don't think any of that is relative to the discussion.

I'm not trying to be a jerk - just asking why that is even part of this conversation?


Probably a made up story.

I'm certainly sorry about your health situation but it has nothing to do with this post or forum. 

Donald Frangipani passed every obvious forged item presented to him undercover by HBO Sports. He didn't identify a single one as a forgery.

When he realized he had been caught authenticating forgeries, he said they were obviously good forgeries.

When interviewed by SCD magazine, he stated he had confidence in Drew Max and Christopher Morales as competent authenticators.

Sorry, your story on Frangipani doesn't add up. 

No one on this forum will fall for the fact that he is a good authenticator.

Also, I didn't attack you personally. I attacked what you wrote as basically not credible. That is what makes it fiction to anyone who reads it.


is it wrong for me to laugh out loud reading James` statement hear.  I`m sorry.   Frangipani?????????????????????  Plus you where looking at the wrong Munson Signature.  You where looking at a facsimile.  LOL.  Sorry again. 

I think that Dion wanted you to look at the Munson signature above the FACSIMILE. 

Where does this crook FDE get the exemplars to examine a 200+ year old bible? Guess it doesn't matter. He will give it a thumbs up anyway.

This whole thing has to be a joke.




Please feel free to contact me directly: . I promise to focus all my attention on your issue until you know all angles of why your autograph (the ball point pen on a card, not the facsimile) will be an issue for anyone who looks at it to give an opinion. However I need a FULL scan of the whole item & I already copied the blow-up.

James McCay

Can you please provide us with some names of qualified forensic document examiners who specialize in autograph authentication?

Dion, do not listen to what James is saying about "Forensic Document Examiners"... Probably 30% of the Mantle/Wiliams/DiMaggio/etc forgeries we expose on here are certified by "Forensic Document Examiners"... LOL.

I do agree with James about the on-card autos being a great guaranteed way to get an authentic graph, I've actually been collecting those for some time now. =)


This reminds me of visiting my mothers family. With 11 siblings, countless grand & great grand children, 4 different religious beliefs, It was always exciting to just sit back and observe. Sometimes it would remind me of watching 5 sports shows at once all playing highlight reels, each one too exciting to miss. This is great fun, I must try to do this again sometime :)


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