Jennifer Lawrence has taken the world by storm in the last few years, between award nominated performances in small films and major blockbusters such as the X-Men and Hunger Games films. She has captured the love of the public as a down to earth normal girl next door. Her signature has a specific shape and flow leaving a mirror like image between the top of the J and the top of the L. It doesn't matter how many letters she includes in the remainder of the autograph, be it every letter or her rushed "crowd signature" that mirror effect remains.
Forgers have not figured ths out yet, so if you look for a Jennifer autograph on ebay after seeing this study, you will see just how many bad fakes exist of this superstar's autograph.
after a few major films Jennifers autograph started to shrink and devolve... these were since 2011
evan as her autograph shrinks away in public and signing in crowds, she has not lost the ability to give nice signatures in comfortable situations for friends and the occasional response thru the mail.
Following recent purchase of "JLaw" signatures I have been doing a lot of research online during which I came across the usual squiggles but quite a few "JLaw" ones as well as the ones above in Pete's original posting.
This is one of mine - not yet authenticated
and here are a few others either PSA authenticated or from RACC trusted sellers or reliable members of this forum from 2015 and 2016 - 8/9 years ago.