Thanks for the invite Bradford. Glad to be part of the group. I am a huge Doors/JDM collector of posters, handbills, tickets, photography, etc. and am very fortunate to own 2 Jim signed bank checks. I am far from an expert, but have been studying his signature and handwriting for a long time and am still learning.

In my opinion his autograph is heavily forged as it has a sort of sloppiness to it and resembles the handwriting of a 5th grader. The doors were only around for about 5 years and his signature was fairly consistent throughout this time versus someone like Paul McCartney for instance who's been signing for 50 years and there has to be thousands of them and changed many many times. I personally have only 102 "known" authentic JDM sigs in my files. I'm sure there are more out there somewhere that just haven't surfaced yet but not many i'm sure. 

The following 3 are probably his earliest examples signed in 61' which are from his senior yearbook in high school. Notice it is one continuous sig with no breaks and has a dotted "i".The next known example was a christmas present he gave to his college roommate in 63'. His "J" is almost identical to the highlighted sig in one of the yearbooks, but notice the sig has started to have separations in it and is starting to resemble the style he always uses.I believe this next one to be his earliest sig as a Door in 66'.All the examples from this point forward as a Door were most commonly signed "JMorrison". He very rarely signed "Jim Morrison" for which there are less than 10 known or so and  "James Douglas Morrison" has i believe 3 known give or take as does  "James Morrison" or "James D. Morrison". Here are just some of them.

There are a few more of those uncommon ones but wanted to show what i consider "textbook" JDM sigs signed JMorrison. These are tough to date precisely unless they are on a bank check or on one of his poetry books. As you can see it didn't matter what it was, whether a check, book,contract, will,letter, etc. "JMorrison" was the most common by far and separated as JM - ORR - I - SON.

I believe PSA/DNA has him as the 6th most dangerous signature when it comes to forgeries. There are many things to look for in his sig to determine if it's real or fake, just like with any sig, but i'll show 2 of the more important things to look for when spotting a real one.

First, he almost 95% of the time tucks his first "O" into itself as shown.Second thing i look for is the transition from the second "O" to the "N" which never has a downstroke. It is upward or has a mini horizontal line into the "N".

A few times he just signed "Jim".I am new to the group and hope this wasn't too long. I hope this helps to someone not so familiar with his style. 

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A little easier to see it when they're closer together. The first 2 are the last loop in an "M" and the 3rd pic is Jim's second 'R'. These specific letters all look like an "R" although the first 2 are "M's".Best, Jack...

All 3 look like "R's", but only the 2nd and 3rd are an "R", where the 1st one is the last loop of an "M". Notice the slight inward stroke at the end of all 3 letters,

A nice rare full Jim sig.

Nice. Yours or is it offered for sale?

It's for sale on eBay from autographs-for-sale for $10K OBO.

Iconic says it sold for $5,800.- in their last auction. My guess is this seller probably wouldn't let it go for less than $7,500.- Nuts.

Thanks Jack.

Impressive Jack!

I'm interested in the evolution of the price of Morrison signature, if someone wants to school me and is one morrison piece more desirable than other, or are they all the same, rare as hens teeth?

Thanks Paulie...

Great research ! In order to conduct my research when it comes to Morrisons handwriting I have about iirc 300 pieces of authentic JM handwriting. A lot of JM original handwriting can be found in the Graham Nash notebook containing almost 100 pages full of his handwriting.

I ve studied his handwriting for over 2 decades and I have concluded that there is such thing as a "look and feel" to it. If it has it then its Jims. No matter how much a forger can replicate Jims signature he can never recreate this look and feel that original handwiritng has.


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