Scarlett Johansson, what can I say about her that hasn't been said before?  I would see her at film premieres in NYC all the time in the late 90's and early 00's, yet I never asked her for an autograph. Little did I know, that in about a decade she would be among the top female box office draws in the USA.  

2011and finally 2014

We see the letters in Johansson disappear by the end of 2010, by early 2011 they were gone completely.

Newer images of Scarlett from the Avengers or the last Captain America film the Winter Soldier featuring full Johansson or last names more than just a J slash...should be looked upon with full skepticism.

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I would suppose the full signature on the 1999 shot is much fewer and far between. I don't think I've ever seen one that she signed as a young girl. Definitely a young girl signature.

As I mentioned, she was regularly around and approachable at NYC events in that timeframe, but just like me, many other collectors did not think to ask her for an autograph. That fact alone does kind of limit the numbers of full childhood signatures that are out there. 

Her early signatures were so much nicer than her adult ones. Very pretty lady.

Here's the same photo from The Horse Whisperer that I bought on eBay a few years back that was supposedly signed while doing promo for the film.  Seems to compare somewhat favorably to yours in my opinion, but what is your opinion on the authenticity of this? 

That looks exactly as it should, a nice early sample probably signed at the end of a long day or press and signings. We can see that even back then she was able and willing to drop some letters off her last name.  

Thanks Pete,

Would you mind giving your thoughts on this one?  I've posted it here before and the opinions seemed to be mixed.  Rick Meyer knows Scarlett pretty well and thinks it's off, but I think it looks like some of the authentic examples i've seen.  This was supposedly signed during promotion for Iron Man 2 (2010) 

The best answer I can give you is in the Jeopardy style......all answers must be formed in a question......"Is it for sale? and how much do you want?"

The S doesn't flow to the c correctly, but everything else about it is absolutely fine. 

So just to be clear, even with the S not flowing with the C, based on the rest of the signature you give this a thumbs up, right? Forgive me Pete, I'm a little slow. ;-)

Thanks again as always. Really appreciate what you do for this hobby.
Geoff, my friend......our dear buddy Pete is validating your piece. He just wants to know how much your willing to sell it for. AKA as real as it gets

Absolutely, you can actually imagine an invisible line, with a smooth flowing curve, from the end of the S right to the start of the C.

It doesn't have to physically attach, unless she is so rushed that she doesn't take the pen from the paper between letters.

All you need to see is that correct flow. It is 100% real and I would buy it, if it were to go uo for sale. 

Here is my Horse Whisperer contribution. It was signed a bit later though... August 21st, 2001 at the O premiere in NYC:

I was looking at ebay the other day, and found this little tid-bit quite interesting. 100 pieces were available for sale "Scarlett Johansson signed"  of those 100 pieces, 4 were real.

4% Authenticity......impressive, I wonder is any celeb with 100 pieces available on ebay ever scored so low?


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