#46A-8, The Late Justin Wilson and Graham Rahal, Signed, INDY, McDonald's, Hero Card
Tags: authentic, authenticated, auto, autograph, autographed, More…autographes, automobile, automobiles, autoracing, autos, busch, campingworld, charger, chevy, classic, collectible, collectibles, collection, collections, collector, collectors, craftsman, cup, dodge, driver, drivers, ford, fred, frederick, genuine, grandprix, image, images, indy, inperson, intrepid, lumina, model, montecarlo, nascar, nationwide, nhra, photo, photograph, photographs, photoproof, picture, pictureproof, pontiac, proof, real, series, session, sessions, sigature, sigatures, sign, signed, signing, sport, sports, sprint, taurus, thelate, thunderbird, truck, vehicle, vehicles, weichmann, winstoncup, xfinity
Albums: LLLL) Hero Cards, Flyers, & Letters-2, R) All McDonald's Autographed-2
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