I have an autograph book that I would like to get some opinions on as far as quality and value. There are like 200 or so signatures I could list them but it might be more fun for u to see if u can…Continue
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i have about 200 autographs from the 30's and 40's most all are baseball players and coaches and they are all in one book. players include Dizzy Dean, Mel Ott, Lou Gerhig, school boy rowe, Connie Mack,
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i have a old autograph book with a lot of high end autographs that im trying to get a idea the value of.
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Lou Gerhig
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
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It has so many sigs it i so difficult to put an estimate on, it is something that must be handled by absolute pro's and then when they're done you will need the right people to see it, that is going to be the only way it is going to reach it's max potential . . .definitely NOT at that a****** in Vegas , at best you would get a fraction of it's value , why not keep it all to yourself ? oh and another thing, don't listen to all of the nay sayers saying this sig look suspect, that one looks suspect, your grandfather was the bat boy , he knew exactly who he was walking up to . . . that is why I say , amazing foresight !
Absolutely Joe, the piece you have is an absolute monster.
Something like this should be handled by my friends at Heritage Auctions.
they have the registered clietel thaqt are looking for what you have and they will more than likely cut you a check up front before the auction for a percentage of the probable value, First don' take myword for it , go over to their site @ Heritage auction Galleries, take a look around, registr on the site if you wantto see what some of the items sold for and then I suggest getting in touch with Mark Jordan the consignment director @ heritage , his E mail is Markj@HA.com .
show him the pictures you took and they will probably even arrange a meeting with you for a piece like that even though they are in Dallas :) Best of luck buddy , I think you will do very well with that . . . .LOL, I didn't even realize until just now you two have the same last name , Mark got me over 23,000 for my 1932 Yankees team signed baseball, he gave me 10K in advance !
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It has so many sigs it i so difficult to put an estimate on, it is something that must be handled by absolute pro's and then when they're done you will need the right people to see it, that is going to be the only way it is going to reach it's max potential . . .definitely NOT at that a****** in Vegas , at best you would get a fraction of it's value , why not keep it all to yourself ? oh and another thing, don't listen to all of the nay sayers saying this sig look suspect, that one looks suspect, your grandfather was the bat boy , he knew exactly who he was walking up to . . . that is why I say , amazing foresight !
Do not worry about the authentications, Mark will go over all of the ins and out with you , you will be in good hands from begining to end
Absolutely Joe, the piece you have is an absolute monster.
Something like this should be handled by my friends at Heritage Auctions.
they have the registered clietel thaqt are looking for what you have and they will more than likely cut you a check up front before the auction for a percentage of the probable value, First don' take myword for it , go over to their site @ Heritage auction Galleries, take a look around, registr on the site if you wantto see what some of the items sold for and then I suggest getting in touch with Mark Jordan the consignment director @ heritage , his E mail is Markj@HA.com .
show him the pictures you took and they will probably even arrange a meeting with you for a piece like that even though they are in Dallas :) Best of luck buddy , I think you will do very well with that . . . .LOL, I didn't even realize until just now you two have the same last name , Mark got me over 23,000 for my 1932 Yankees team signed baseball, he gave me 10K in advance !