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Examples Of 500 Homerun Club Autographed Baseball Forgeries Photo

This blog is dedicated to showing examples of "500 Homerun Club" forgeries on a baseballs, photos, etc.

I will continue to add to this blog as I observe more.

First, below is a link to my blog titled "COA Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators Forged Signed 500 Homerun Club.


Mass-produced and forged 500 Homerun Club baseball.   Yikes!!!

The below are all forged 500 Homerun Club baseballs.

This one comes with a worthless COA from Collectors Alliance.

Look at this train wreck.

Looks like a Florida hologram on the bottom right of the below two. These are mass-produced of "500 Homerun Club" forgeries.

Another example of a forged "500 Homerun Club" baseball.  Ugly as sin!!!

Another forged 500 Homerun Club baseball.  I know three-year old kids who could have penned a better set of forgeries.

On all forged "500 Homerun Club" baseballs, as bad as the Mantle forgery is, the Killebrew is even worse.

Forged 500 Homerun Club poster.

Worthless COA from All American Sports.

Look at this common set and mass-produced set of forgeries.  These look like they were penned by a three-year old.

The below set of "500 Homerun Club" forgeries comes with a "Florida" COA named "Showtime Memorabilia."

The set of "500 Homerun Club" forgeries comes with a COA from "CSC Collectibles (On Ebay's Banned COA List)."

Another set of "500 Homerun Club" forgeries on a baseball.

Here's another set.

Views: 476

Tags: 500 Homerun Club Autographed Baseball, COA Showtime Memorabilia


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