Ebay Seller heytwohosers Sells Forged Mickey Mantle Baseball COA Global Authentics

Before I continue, below are links showing hundreds of examples of forged Mickey Mantle baseballs, photos, etc. found on Ebay (the most dangerous place to buy autographs if you're a casual collector or impulse buyer).




Here's a forged Mickey Mantle baseball sold by Ebay seller heytwohosers that sold for $650.00.

You have to be a moron to buy this crap for $650.00.

Again, this confirms just how easy it is to sell forgeries on Ebay.

Again, this proves that buyers buy the COA and not the autograph.

This is one laughable forgery "authenticated" by Global Authentics.

Who at Global Authentics "authenticated" this crap!!!

Check out this train-wreck of a forged Mickey Mantle baseball sold by Ebay seller Heytwohosers for $650.00.


Here's another forged Mickey Mantle sold by Ebay seller Heytwohosers.


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