Ebay Seller Micr6345 Sells Forged Mickey Mantle Baseball Bat COA NOT Scoreboard

Before I continue, below are links showing hundreds of examples of forged Mickey Mantle baseballs, photos, etc. found on Ebay (the most dangerous place to buy autographs if you're a casual collector or impulse buyer).




One of the biggest scams on Ebay for the past ten years, is sellers of forgeries using an old/edited/copied Scoreboard COA to sell their garbage.

Mickey Mantle NEVER signed baseball bats for Scoreboard!!!

Scoreboard never sold forgeries.  Period.

The buyer of the below crap got ripped off for $3,800.00!!!

$3,800.00 for what basically amounts to firewood.

Look at this garbage sold by Ebay seller Micr6345.


Mickey Mantle NEVER signed baseball bats for Scoreboard!!!

Someone got ripped off big-time.

Views: 77

Tags: Mickey Mantle Signed Forged Baseball Bat Ebay seller Micr6345

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Comment by terrier8HOF on August 28, 2020 at 3:17pm

if you were a smart collector you could get an authentic Mantle bat for less than that.

Comment by CJCollector on August 28, 2020 at 3:19pm

Terrier, no one ever said that the delusional autograph collectors on Ebay, aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


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