Ebay Seller Puffincholo Sells Forged Derek Jeter 1993 Classic COA Not Scoreboard

Here's yet another seller who listed and sold a forged Derek Jeter baseball card using an old/edited/copied Scoreboard COA.

Scoreboard never sold forgeries, but one of the biggest scams over the past ten years is for sellers to use an old/edited/copied Scoreboard COA to sell a forgery.

Of all  the people who buy autographs, very high percentage of them purchase forgeries; they don't buy the autograph, they buy the COA, and that's why selling forgeries on Ebay is easier than selling authentic autographs.

The forgery business on Ebay continues to grow as more and more people discover how easy it is to sell forgeries because Ebay is so heavily-populated with delusional autograph collectors and impulse buyers.

I will continue expose Ebay sellers of forgeries.

Now check out this laughable, forged Derek Jeter card sold by Ebay seller Puffincholo for $109.50!!!

If this was an authentic Derek Jeter autograph from Scoreboard, it wouldn't have sold for a pathetic $109.50.

Ebay seller Puffincholo writes "This particular autograph item was either pulled from packs or redemption promo."

That is a big lie!!!

$109.50 for a worthless piece of cardboard.

This is not a Scoreboard product!!!


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Tags: Signed Forged Derek Jeter 1993 Classic Ebay seller


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