Check out these horrific Mickey Mantle & Joe DiMaggio forgeries.
These putrid Mickey Mantle & Joe DiMaggio forgeries are listed by Ebay seller Joe88prints.
These are typical forgeries found on Ebay that are usually purchased by the seller at local auctions, estate sales, charity events, etc. These are people who know ZERO about autographs. They buy this crap cheap and then look to flip it for a profit on Ebay.
These are ugly forgeries listed by Ebay seller Joe88prints.
The first one comes with a COA from CSC Collectibles who is on Ebay's Banned COA List (for very good reason!!!).
Looks like after Ebay removed his Mantle, DiMaggio, and Williams forgeries with a COA from "CSC Collectibles (on Ebay's Banned COA list), Ebay seller "Joe88prints" re-listed his garbage.
Comment by Joe Mac Iver on July 22, 2013 at 2:18pm
I want to apologize to all potential buyers of these items and inform you all that I had no idea CSC was a banned authentication company. The author of this blog is right that I purchased this item hoping to make a profit on the items. However I was guaranteed that the signatures were one hundred percent real. After reading this blog and having my item removed from Ebay I have come to realize that they are far from authentic. Again I apologize for any miss leading and hope that none will have any ill will towards me. I am sure that I am not the only one that has made a mistake.
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