Kobe Bryant Forged Counterfeit 2000-01 Ovation Autograph Card Ebay Seller Bc-jack

Today is going to be about the dozens upon dozens of forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant "2000 Upper Deck Ovation" cards that sold on Ebay following his passing today.

I still cannot comprehend the people that would take advantage of the emotions of people following the passing of Kobe Bryant.

These are people who have no conscience.

Let's look at Ebay seller Bc-jack, who as of right now, has sold nineteen (19) forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant "2000-01 Ovation" cards.

I will also be posting a similar blog on Ebay seller Daniecarchi_0.

I have saved all of the screenshots from their sales and will continue to do so.

The people who are buying these are, unfortunately, blinded by emotion.

They can't think straight enough to ask "How does one seller have dozens of this particular card."

Ebay seller BC-Jack, the dirtbag that he is, ended up selling 31 forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant cards.

This card was a tough pull from that product.

It's unfortunate that a lot of collectors/people are getting ripped off at card shows buying this garbage.

Since Kobe's passing, 98% of these cards on bay that have been listed or sold are the forged/counterfeit version.

First, immediately below is a link to the "Sold Auctions" of the card.


Below is an image showing three (3) of the forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant "2000-01 Ovation" card sold by Ebay seller Bc-jack.

All three are identical.

Ebay seller Bc-jack is either using a stock photo in each auction at they wait for more counterfeit cards to be printed or they are simply copies of the identical forged card.

Click your mouse on the below image to get a closer view.

I won't reveal the details of the counterfeit errors.

Below is an authentic Kobe Bryant on that card.

This one is listed by Ebay seller Seriousbreaks.  Forged and a counterfeit card.  Ugly forgery just like the rest of the counterfeit cards that have infected the marketplace.

Ugly forgery and confirmed counterfeit card.

I wanted to post to get it our fast.

I will be posting more in the near future.

Here's another example of a forged/counterfeit Kobe Bryant.

Penned by a moron.

The chipping on the card is another sign that it's a counterfeit card.

The authentic versions of this card had no chipping issues.

Forged and counterfeit.

Views: 3874

Tags: Ebay seller Bc-Jack forged Kobe Bryant 2000 Ovation

Comment by Dan Morris on January 26, 2020 at 3:10pm

Great work, these people are beyond sick! Hopefully, just one person who purchased from these scammers will see your post and warn others!

Comment by CJCollector on January 26, 2020 at 3:12pm

Thank you, Dan.

The word has to get out.  98% of these on Ebay are the counterfeit versions.

Ebay seller Bc-jack has sold two more since this blog posted.


Comment by terrier8HOF on January 26, 2020 at 4:10pm

he should be in jail or in hell

Comment by CJCollector on January 26, 2020 at 4:14pm

I vote for hell!!!

Comment by CJCollector on January 26, 2020 at 4:26pm

Ebay seller Bc-jack has now sold 29 of these as of 01/26/2020 at 07:26PM EST.

Comment by CJCollector on January 26, 2020 at 5:47pm

Ebay seller Bc-jack has now sold 31 of these in less than 8 hours.

Comment by BC on January 26, 2020 at 7:31pm
Comment by CJCollector on January 26, 2020 at 7:46pm

BC, I've done numerous threads on Ebay seller Justw_37.

They are a seller of other forged/counterfeit cards.


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