The following images show many of Mark's current signature variations. These items were signed for me in-person during the 2009 season and 2010 Pre-season. Use this guide to help you determine authenticity of items you are considering to purchase.

NOTE: These images are my PERSONAL PROPERTY and MAY NOT be used for any reason by ANYONE else without my permission.

Views: 401

Comment by michael bartow on January 21, 2010 at 12:36pm
The diecast I have signed by mark looks almost like the one 3rd photo in the first bunch of photo's. I'm basing this on going from left to right top to bottom. I haven't had a chance to get more signed by mark last yr and tried again in aug on 08 and never got him again. he started to sign about 5-8 feet down from us so got the shaft on that one. last yr the rain gave me the shaft at that track.My friend is a big mark fan I have a zerex car he lent me to get signed by mark. got Jack to sign it so just waiting for mark to finish and hand back to him. I have 2 shots this yr and both are at Pocono.
Comment by JB3 on January 21, 2010 at 3:38pm
Check out this video, and you'll see why there is such a variation:

It's actually a pretty good source of vids, and can explain why the drivers sigs differ from track to in person and even ttm autographs.
Comment by michael bartow on January 21, 2010 at 8:06pm
hey Jb. had a look at those youtube things and I couldn't tell if I wanted to laugh or not at the guy for those you tube clips. I agree that when your having the driver sign at the trailer he or she (remember Danica) is able to have a hard surface to hold the item and sign it. from what I saw alot of fans were not really looking for the driver to take it and sign it and hand back. I look back at the mark martin car I had signed and he didn't rush it but man looking over the ones Brandon has I can tell like the top one that look like mine he didn't rush it but alot look like hey I got's to go and rushed some of these. I have 2 items signed by rusty wallace on the same night and same time and the fender looks readible but the diecast because he signed on the windshield looks smugged abit what are you going to do.


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