The following listing shows an auction that is one of MANY NASCAR forgeries that the seller has listed now.

Now, it should be easy for the folks here to see how bad the actual NASCAR autographs are ( not sure about the other items )

The real issue though is the blind Letter of Authenticity by JSA. If you read the letter, it simply lists the items that JSA authenticated for the auction house. To paraphrase, ...(12) dale Earnhardt Photos were authenticated. However, the letter shows NO images of the items and the items for sale on ebay do not have any physical connection to the letter OR JSA.

So, is this an example of a seller using a summary letter to try to sell VERY BAD forgeries, or is it something else? I really can't see JSA just issuing a blind LOA to a customer simply staiting the number of items authenticated, without other descriptive info.

I think this is important enough to show to ALL users. As this is a VERY dangerous practice. I would like to know what the other experts think of the other sports "autographs" listed. As for the NASCAR items, they are some of the worst attempts at autographs I have seen in 22 years in this hobby.

I think JSA needs to be made aware of these listings so they can take the appropriate measures to protect their name.

These NASCAR items may be gone soon anyway though as I have done my part with ebay.

Views: 184

Comment by JB3 on January 10, 2010 at 4:20pm
Brandon- To add to it. It seems like the forgers always get his autograph wrong, and over emphasize the "E" in Earnhardt. (Good for us to spot easily). Additionally, they get the slant wrong too.

As for the blanket letters. I think they are dangerous without photos of the items.

I also noticed another seller using, "PSA authenticated," in their auction. However, it was something like "Pro Sports Autographs" or something like that. The autograph was terrible as well.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on January 10, 2010 at 4:25pm
Not to mention that a couple of the photographs shown were actually released AFTER dale Sr. died....Only a select few people know how to spot this and what racing reflections changed on the photos to know if they were made before or after he died.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on January 10, 2010 at 4:31pm
Also JB, This letter was issued by JSA in Oct, 2009...The open ended blind letter like this should be the thing of old. each item should either have a JSA sticker, or at the least a seperate letter which shows the signature and the full item...This stops the ability to replace the item with another one.

I just don't see anyone blindly COAing items like this..Not even for their biggest customers. Too much can happen ( like this ) in the after market.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on February 1, 2010 at 8:21pm

This practice is FAR too common by the authentication companies. LOA's like this have lead to countless forgeries issued both by auction houses and individual sellers. It's no different that shooting blindly into a crowd. I TOTALLY REFUSE each and every auction house / seller that BEGS me to do this very thing. I will NEVER allow this in regards to the NASCAR items I authenticate.

Authentication comapnies that issue these need to step back and show a bit more responsibility. This is one of the "dark Sides" to authentication that hurt the hobby. even if the authentication comapny never intends for it.

It's something that MANY members here do not know about. I'm hoping that will change now.


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