NASCAR: Driver Autograph Holograms....THE TRUTH!!!

Many people have either heard about, seen, or own signed Jeff Gordon & Dale Earnhardt Jr. autographed items that include the individual driver's numbered hologram.

These Holograms were designed for the drivers as a way for fans to know that they have purchased authentic signatures. However, there are some very strong misconceptions regarding these holograms. I hope to clear these issues up with this blog post.

1st, Let's look at the holograms on signed 1/24 scale die-cast cars



I want to start off with the discussion by telling you HOW you can obtain a hologram. The easiest way, is to buy a pre-holo'd item through various vendors such as QVC , Mounted memories, or the driver's race stores ( if offered ). The drivers usually sign a number of items to be sold through various outlets as well. Qvc is the largest vendor of the holograms. Drivers sign thousands of items to be sold through their "for race fans only" brand.

The more difficult way to get a hologram is by meeting a driver at a specified meet and greet appearance. The holograms are offered there. However, you do NOT have to have a hologram placed on your signed item. This is where I must warn collectors that the glue on the sticker can damage older photos, postcards, or other items. I have seen several Jeff Gordon Rookie postcards ruined due to the hologram's reaction with the old stock cardboard paper used in the postcard.

Remember, if you choose to accept the hologram on you item, it will be placed over a portion of the signature. It can disrupt the presentation of the item due to the color changing effect that the hologram displays. Plus, each hologram has the Driver's logo and the individual serial number on it as well.

Now comes the time when I bust a LOT of collector's bubble's regarding the hologram sysytem. The holograms are ONLY given out at organized signings ( or through vendors ) they are NOT offered at any time at the race track where 80-90% of all NASCAR autographs are obtained. When you are lucky enough to meet Jeff or Dale Jr. at a track and obtain a signature, you will NOT receive a hologram. The logistics of this makes it impossible. This means that THOUSANDS of items are signed each year without the pressence of a hologram. It does not make them any less real at all.

This is due to the fact that the hologram is a VERY clever marketing tool. Is it smart? YES! Is it important for buyers? YES! However, the holograms are NOT assigned to every item signed by these two amazing drivers. In fact, there are FAR more autographs without a hologram that are authentic, than those with a hologram issued. This is confusing to many people who think that items are ONLY real if a hologram is included.

One feature offered for hologram owners is that you may register the item at the driver's website. ( in the case of Jeff Gordon, there is a minimum charge for this feature ). This will show what the item is and where / when it was signed.

Remember though, if you obtain a signature away from an organized signing, you are not able to obtain a hologram for the item at a later date.

All of this makes for a nice blend of options. If you collect holograms, you know the item is real. If you buy items that are not holo'd, DON'T be afraid to make the purchase, the drivers sign plenty of authentic material. However, you should seek out an expert opinion justto be sure ( USE THE FREE AUTHENTICATION SERVICE I PROVIDE HERE).

I hope that this clears up a few misconceptions. The main one being that if an item does not have a hologram, it is not real. That just 100% is NOT TRUE!! Quite the opposite infact!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

note: (The images listed here are the property of Brandon Mysinger and may not be used without permission)

Views: 2475

Comment by Heath Lawson on December 17, 2009 at 4:31pm
Are there any other drivers other than Dale Jr., Jeff Gordon and Brad Keselowski that use the holograms?
Comment by michael bartow on December 17, 2009 at 7:12pm
From what I have seen myself no other drivers have used the Halogram system. Now granted who's to say that some driver like Kyle Busch, Joey or whomever else comes along and wants to do it. Here is what Joey Logano's web site says regarding you wanting to get a autograph:

"Please be aware of fake autographs claiming to be an authentic autograph of Joey Logano floating around on the internet and sites like Ebay. Only guaranteed authentic Joey Logano autographs can be obtained off of Joey’s official online store or through other Joey Logano/Joe Gibbs Racing licensed stores"
also it says :


**Please Do Not Send Die-Cast Cars To Be Autographed. They WILL NOT be returned

They also said that they will not have any pre-autographed diecasts for sale at the track come 2010.

As for the Brad thing I thing I may have seen it on maybe 2 items. I know 1 was a diecast and the other was a Hat and the hat deal is on ebay right now. It was a dale Jr hologram though. I guess it was a way for them (JR Motor) to say yeah its an authentic item that was signed.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on December 18, 2009 at 7:47pm
The good thing about Joey is that he simply refuses to say no to an autograph. His autograph is VERY unique..Also, he has MANY variations to this because he is simply sloppy and fast....Not a bad thing though as he signs EVERYTHING put in front of him with a smile!
Comment by Alex Westgerdes on December 23, 2009 at 11:47am
The Keselowski autos were stickered since he was a employee of Dale Jr. (JR Motorsports) the last few years. Now that he is with a new team next year (Penske Racing) I don't think that he will have the stickers on his autographs anymore.
Comment by Kankian Novato on January 9, 2010 at 9:55am
My brother works for a Nascar driver, and I have lots of autographs of the different drivers for the last 3yrs. I am not worried about the holograms, because I'm not worried about their authenticity. I usually give them away to people when I get duplicates, or find someone who is a big fan of certain drivers. Some are very tough, JR, Stewart, and now Johnson, but others, like Gordon, Martin, and Edwards, are great signers and very good to their fans. I guess my point is, I don't necessarily trust the holograms, unless they already exist on the item prior to signing, and are sold by reputable dealers. I am fortunate not to have to worry about that. Just my opinion....cheers!!
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on January 9, 2010 at 10:12am

The holograms shown are ONLY distributed at the specific organized signings. The process is that the item is signed. If the owner of the item decides to acept the hologram, it is imediatly placed on top of the signature. Again, this is only done at organized signings and not at trackside autograph oportunities.

I'm always amazed when people think that Jr nd Johnson sigs are tough to get. Both are amazing signers. Stewart has changed a bit and goten better at the trackside. Tony has always been good about scheduling appearances though.

As a matter of fact, I just watched Jr and Stewart sign tons of extra autographs today at the Sound and Speed event in Nashvile.

In my 22 years in this hobby and my 7 years as the specific NASCAR autograph expert, one constant remains, that is that Dale Jr is like his father in the regards of signing autographs. ONE OF THE BEST!

Thankfully though, the Holograms are still optional and are NOT offered at trackside items because they are generating discord with fans since they are placed on top of the signature.
Comment by Kankian Novato on January 9, 2010 at 11:08am
I guess at non-race events they may be better signers. But I've been to 7 tracks, and in the garages.... Dale Jr will sign, but he is mobbed, and very tough to get near. He is rarely out, so he has been harder to obtain. Not disputing you.. :) Just my observations. Plus, I'm 6'3" and 240lbs. I have nearly trampled many people trying to get in there as he's walking along. Guess I didn't want to kill I will tell you, that some of the nicest, most curtious signers in nascar are Brian Vickers, David Ruetimann, Marcos Ambrose - coolest ever!, Robby Gordon, and Mark Martin. I've actually been thanked by Martin for asking for his autograph. Crazy! But the worst of all, is by far Kyle Busch. He is the persona he is known for. He was standing in the garages, right out front, and no one was near him. I waited patiently for about 3 minutes, not interrupting his conversation or throwing anything in his face. He looked at me finally and said "WHAT?" I asked him to sign my hat, and he snatched it out of my hands. He scribbled illegibly on it, then as he started walking away, underhanded it back to me when he was about 5 feet away. It hit the ground, and he laughed. I called him an !@$%!Hole, and he got in my face. I was the only one there asking for the signature. He backed down when I wouldn't. He realized I was much bigger than him. What a great guy!! Lol.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on January 9, 2010 at 11:36am
Ok, Dale Jr is actually a better signer AT the track because he does not do many off track appearances...However, if you are following him around BEFORE race activities ( from Practice to Qualifying ) then he is rushed. You have to wait on Late Fri or sat after the days events are over. Early in the morning after his 1st practice run is good too.

Sorry, Kyle is pretty much one of the most willing signers in the garage. Not as good as Jimmie Johnson though. However, he is known for spending lots of time after Fri qualifying and practice and sat after the Nationwide races signing for up to an hour. Last year, after wrecking out of events, Kyle would still stop to sign autographs for 15min to one hour AFTER he had cooled down. You HAVE to know how to read him. Unlike Tony Stewart, I have yet to see him cuss fans and kids alike for asking for autographs.

If you go in with a biased opinion about a driver, then every little thing they do will irritate you. Once you learn the ropes and figure the timing out, you become a fan of all of them.

After 22 yers and going to almost every track each season, I am still learning things about each driver. that's the beauty of it. However, I have been able to take random people to meet the top names in the sport because of that relationship too.

You are correct about the names you listed as top signers. Vickers and Martin are the top names of that list. and their signing habits have always been great ( even though Brian Vickers will limit people to one signature each if he is in a hurry. However, he signs all the time each race.). The other names, Robby, David, Marcos are all the lower level drivers who can not afford to say no. Plus, they are just good guys ( especially Robby if he has been drinking LOL! )

As you increase your times at the tracks, you will figure it out and will be able to go right up to Dale Jr and get as many items signed as you want.

When the race season starts, I will be doing a blog on how to acheive success at the track. Short tracks are better for signings because all the drivers have to "live" outside of the track. That means each driver has to walk by the "autograph row" several times each race week-end. At Bristol, It is VERY common for Dale Jr to sign up an 1-2 hours total just as he is going back and fourth to his motorcoach. He has done that at Bristol since 1998. The same is pretty much true for Michigan, Phoenix, and Martinsville, and other tracks. You just have to time it right and know where to be.

#1 rule, if they are walking, LEAVE THEM ALONE...Until they stop. The reasons are (a) you will get a bad signature. (b) they are in a hurry to be somewhere where they will have to stand around and wait at some point. This is the best time to get them. So, just follow them. If they are going to the race car, go with them and wait behind the pit wall / war wagon. After the drivers get out of their cars and talk to the crew about the car's feeling, they will start signing for people. The autographs are much nicer then.

For example, at the a Phoenix race in 2009, I wanted to show a fan what not to do. So, I had both Jeff Gordon and Dale Jr sign a Hero Card while walking. They were terrible. Then, I went to them during practice ( while they were waiting on the crew to make changes to the car ) and had each of them sign 5 Hero cards. Each one was signed PERFECTLY! The differences were stunning.

Just keep having fun and you will learn the easy way. The one No-No is that you don't ask for autographs in the Owner's / driver's motorcoach lot. If you have access to be in there, then they expect that you don't need autographs. That is their sanctuary. Plus, they have to sign HUNDREDS of items that are left for them by other people or sponsors.
Comment by Brandon Mysinger on January 9, 2010 at 11:39am
I will be showing the difference between walking / standing still signatures of Jeff gordon in the upcoming signature study that I just turned in last night for the Magazine. I will do that each time that I do a signature study as well. The walking signatures are very unique variations of signatures that most people might think are forgeries. However, they are totally real. Just BAD
Comment by Alex Westgerdes on January 9, 2010 at 12:06pm
About the Kyle's my take on Kyle.

He did a charity signing (autograph for a new set a kids' pajamas) at a RV store in Richmond, IN in July 2008. I got two diecasts for him to sign, but didn't know if he would sing both. While in line the PR person kept saying the "one autograph per person" line you hear during these sessions. All of the sudden I heard a loud AHEM in the was Kyle, holding up two fingers for everyone to see.

"OK, he will signing TWO autographs per person..." (loud cheers from the crowd)

I got both cars's the pic:


He even asked if I could keep the silver Sharpie I had him use for my diecasts...see "Tricks of the Trade" for my story with Clint Bowyer why I bring one, if not several, pens to my signings.


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