Mickey Mantle Forged Autographed Photo Special Sale Ebay Seller Kadstrictlymoose

Immediately below are links to my previous blogs on Ebay seller Kadstrictlymoose who has sold hundreds of Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, Ted Williams, etc., forgeries.

They primarily sell The Florida Forgeries.

Anyone who thinks they're buying an authentic Mickey Mantle autograph for between $40 and $60 is either looking to flip that forgery for a profit or they are totally delusional.

With Ebay so heavily-populated with delusional autograph collectors and impulse buyers, selling forgeries on Ebay is a piece-of-cake.



Let's check the latest Special Sale listings and sold forgeries by Ebay seller Kadstrictlymoose.

Below is a screenshot of some of their "Special Sale" listings of Mickey Mantle forged photographs.  These are all Florida Forgeries.  Their primary COA is the Heroes Of The Game COA which is a Florida Forgeries COA.

The final bid (and only bid) on the below mass-produced crap was $44.99.  Does the buyer of this garbage really think they purchased an authentic Mickey Mantle for $44.99!!!   Seriously!!!

Or is the buyer going to try to flip and sell another person a forged Mickey Mantle.

Forged Joe DiMaggio.

I won't waste more space on the crap listed and sold by Ebay seller Kadstrictlymoose, but it certainly is a "crime" that Ebay embraces sellers like this.

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Tags: Ebay seller Kadstrictlymoose, Forged Signed Mickey Mantle


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