GAI Mantle, Williams, DiMaggio, Mays & Jeter Forgeries on eBay

GAI Mickey Mantle Ted Williams Ebay Forgeries Willie Mays

Views: 602

Comment by Ken Emery on May 9, 2011 at 6:12pm
I would really like to speak to you before I purchase some Marilyn Monroe / DiMaggio baseball, letter, photos.
Comment by Trey H on May 14, 2011 at 3:25am

Let me start off in saying I dislike all cert companies as none of them have a clue half the time.

You are a king at the run-on monologue.

Your GAI rant, and it is a rant based on personal view and not FACT, seems based on the bases form of ignorance. I will go  with the Jeter autos since I have several ranging from 1993 to 2008. You did not take 1 simple thing into consideration...when they were signed. Every Jeter auto you showed was signed a manner in which he did sign from 95-98. Let me guess..your views are based on some autos you see on cert pack pulled baseball cards ? Jeter's auto has transformed roughly 7 times to what you see today. Everyone of those Jeter Auto's looked fine to me and they all looked liked they were signed in the mid 90's. Perhaps you should extend your research into what a persons auto was prior to them streamlining it.


Notice something there ? That's from 1996...and looks EXACTLY  like 5 of your autos you labeled fake. That is not his current sig,but what a early 20's baseball player,eager to sign with no concept of forgery and streamlining taken into consideration.

Wait..what ???


ZOMG ! Looks like the early sig you have labeled as a fake...

Your remarks,however you may feel,were based in ignorance and personal "gut" feelings, not fact at all.

SO now I have to consider that ANYTHING you say in relation to autographs is a pile and to be taken with about as much truth as that of the local church gossip monger.

Now, I am not bashing you,as a person,but your inept and poorly constructed webcast here that is regurgitated anger based on a lack of understanding of a simple auto from it's beginnings to it's current appearance.



Comment by Rick Brzyski on June 6, 2011 at 9:18pm
You've done it agin Chris --- good job again !!!!
Comment by CJCollector on June 19, 2011 at 6:58am

Today is June 19, 2011 and I just read the comment posted by Trey H.

Let me tell you something, Trey, those GAI certed Jeter's that I expose on video are 100% forgeries.   The person doing those forgeries did a lousy job trying to emulate Jeter's "1994 Signature Rookies" autograph. 

Those GAI certed Jeter's are simply horrific. 

Below is a authentic Jeter "1994 Signature Rookies" autograph card.

Below is a GAI certed forgery.

There is nothing close about the above two. 

I never knew the above post existed or I would have responded immediately. 




Comment by CJCollector on June 19, 2011 at 7:00am
Obviously, Trey, you have a lot to learn about Jeter's autograph, especially his earlier autographs.
Comment by CJCollector on June 19, 2011 at 7:06am

Want more?  Try convincing me, Trey, that the below Jeter signed Topps card certed by GAI is authentic.  C'mon, Trey, convince me.


Comment by CJCollector on June 19, 2011 at 7:20am

I never knew this thread existed therefore I was not "Following" it, but if I had I guarantee I would have responded immediately.  Those GAI certed Jeter's are done by someone from either S. Carolina or N. Caroline.  The forger also does Walter Payton, Brett Favre and other major athletes.  All were certed by GAI.

Favre GAI certed fake.  Same forger.

Comment by CJCollector on June 22, 2011 at 10:36am
One more comment, Trey.  There is nothing personal about my GAI rant.  100% fact.
Comment by David K on June 24, 2011 at 9:58pm
A FEW of the "fake" micket mantles actually looked GOOD to me. Can you post a few REAL mickeys side by side wither GOOD forgeries so ican see the differences.  
Comment by CEE GEE on July 21, 2011 at 7:48am
Hats off to Mr.WIlliams as I have been following his videos on Youtube for some time now...hes very knowledgeable and points out some hideous fakes all the time....


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