Some of you know me, and from what I understand, someone caught selling yet another bad Ford autograph has once again, decided to spout off at the mouth. Claims that I am a dealer and I only tell unsuspecting autograph buyers that their item is fake so that I can sell my own Harrison Fords. Again I am hearing claims that the likely supplier of the forgeries is the true expert on Harrison Ford autographs.

Side note the seller sent me a friend request message yesterday with the single question about if I knew a particular collector. In my world this says plenty, and likely tells me where the piece originated.

When I tell people that I track the sale of Harrison Ford autographs, I am not kidding around, I watch sales here, I watch sales on rebelscum and on ebay and other online auction sites.

Who signed them? Who is the forger? I am not going to play games and point fingers, nor will I even guess if the supplier is the forger, all I can do is put together where they came from.   

I will give the people that have had these in their possession, that courtesy. They can come clean about where they got them as the "in-person" and "private signing" stories fall apart.

This is the same courtesy I tried to provide to Marc Moser, the last guy caught in a huge Ford Forgery mess. He decided to drag my name thru the mud for a few months as well, but by doing that he just shot himself in the foot. People will wake up sooner or later, and the truth does come out.   

 I present these images to you, again supplying the signatures and letting the people on this forum and others as judge, you decide the truth. You will also be the deciding factor if these autograph professionals keep their reputations or if they have earned brand new ones.

Every item below has been tracked to the most recent seller, and through his own admission the source of the autographs, I will also include items sold elsewhere by the supplier who admitted on these very pages to supplying some of these.

The pattern is pretty clear to me.

As for the recent claims about me being a dealer, out to only hurt other peoples supposedly reputable business.

Please keep in mind, that anyone that has purchased anything at all from me in the past 5 years has approached me. When they do I usually point them in other directions and offer to authenticate (for free) any item they ask about, from any other source.

Tags: Ford, Han, Harrison, Indiana, Jones, Solo, Star, Wars

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If a forger is good at his work, there will be similarities to the original, The difference is in the nuances of the signature. Those tells that scream sit down Harrison Ford autograph or in the street Harrison Ford autograph. We have seen common standards in every real sit down Ford, but shockingly they are missing from the questionable CA pieces.

Can Harrison get sloppy and resort to signing street style graphs at a sit down? Maybe, but he hasn't ever done so, not with the hundreds of graphs he signed for Moser & his partner, not with the hundreds of graphs he has signed for Coolwaters, not with the hundreds of graphs he has signed for Official Pix. Even the CGC comics or messy Falcon plaques and Topps cards and stickers....they all had those tells, that the signature was a sit down Ford.    

How is it that CA is the only place that has offered questionable items without those tell tale signs? 

The Raiders comic posted above is a sit down Ford. Andy's Daisy combo is a nice street Ford. The questioned CA pieces don't have any of the standards of a verifiable Ford graph and each have multiple strikes against them in their overall form and layout.

I'm with Pete on this one, the CGC comic looks fine, and doesn't look like the bad CA examples IMO. Can you post a few that were called forgeries that look like the CGC example?
I'll looks it up, but looks like barnhollow is off of eBay (go figure). My point also is that the CGC Sig is a CA product.
All of the cgc stuff I've seen from CA so far has been fine. Maybe Pete has a differing opinion on that, I'm not sure.

There's no question Harrison signed hundreds of real items for CA, and Derek was present for all the signings. The question is why is there also a bunch of stuff coming from them that looks nothing like Harrison's autograph, mostly on multi pieces/posters where adding a Ford sig ups the value 5x.

I could be wrong but I thought with CGC, a rep from them had to be there to witness a signature.

You are not wrong Ian, a rep from CGC must witness every comic being signed, if it is going to get placed into a CGC holder.

Witness is a loose term, I've been at signings where CGC was present, and if someone really wanted to be nefarious they could definitely sneak some items on the bottom of the pile. There's typically a lot going on very quickly and not enough people to handle it all. I'm not sure if there's an additional review process back at HQ or if they just slab everything with a paper attached to it.

Yet another imagined service set up to protect the fans gets flushed.....wonderful!

For what it's worth, CA sent out an email a few weeks ago announcing a change to their CGC policy:

An Update to Our CGC Submission Policy

In our continuing efforts to offer our customers exceptional service and features when purchasing from Celebrity Authentics, we have opted to make a change in the handling of CGC comic and magazine submissions.

All orders will now be processed directly through Celebrity Authentics. This will allow us to maintain uncompromised integrity of signatures while providing everyone with our Certificate of Authenticity cards featuring a picture of the talent signing your comics and magazines. CGC submission forms will no longer be needed as Celebrity Authentics will complete and submit all required paperwork. Additionally, this will allow us to scan and upload the exact image of your CGC SS slabbed comic in our online database adding additional collectibility and value to your collection.

We have also created a new internal system for handling CGC orders which will allow us to provide a more timely turnaround of orders and shipments.

We look forward to assisting all of you in building an extraordinary Celebrity Authentics/CGC SS Collection! not only did it get flushed, it was plungered back up and flushed again.

LOL, we'll see what happens.. I'm almost certain someone on CAs staff is now a qualified CGC witness which is why they can streamline the process to "maintain uncompromised integrity of the signatures".

Wow interesting Mike, CGC must have "sworn" CA in as a rep. Guess they don't know who their getting in bed with!


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