2 more bad forgeries of George Reeves (1950s Superman) on ebay now. I reported them, but we all know ebay doesn't give a damn. Is it ok to say damn??

The first one is a weak copy attempt, with several mistakes. And only $15 for a Reeves signature that typically goes for $1500? Interesting. The price is as inconsistent as the signature. No one starts a Reeves signature at $15 if they think it is real. At least I ve never seen it done in 20 years of being on ebay. it can be viewed here:


The next one is an even worse attempt at copying. Looks like a bad tracing attempt--from Argentina. They would have us believe he signed a 1939 Gone With the Wind photo the same way he signed Superman photos! "Thanks for watching!" Truly they are clueless down there! But they did price it at $4000, so they do have a high opinion of their forgery skills. You can see the absurdity here:


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Maybe ebay stopped pulling autographs, but they pull coins. I had some silver halfs that were pulled . I ended up selling the silver halfs at the locsl coin dealer. The silver halfs were real and not forgeries, but eBay is eBay.

 Im surprised they would pull US coins! Did they give a reason?

I have reported probably 30+ fake Reeves in the past couple of years and ebay does nothing. And anyone with no training could look at most of them and see they were obvious fakes.

My coins were reported as fake, but as I said, the local coin dealer bought them . You can not test silver from a photograph.

I don't get it. You can obviously see a fake autograph from the picture, but in no way can you tell a fake coin metal simply by a photo. ebay has a lot of problems that likely will never be resolved.

I agree , but eBay has a very wide market and a large audience . As a buyer, I have learned to question things . As a seller, I learned to roll with the punches .


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