Another fake from cereal_killer_1987


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I feel your pain..I've missed out on lots of MJs I now wish I'd purchased :-(

Shame, as this seller probably has no idea ..but I agree...the fact they have fakes puts doubts on the real MJs.

We live and learn eh..I'll be snapping them up in future lol my opinion...the likes of EBay are to blame as they should do more to rid the site of these fraudsters...I've lost count of the fraudulent listings I've reported yet they do nothing! Wonder if its anything to do with the percentage of sale they receive..??! Hmmm

It'll never change unfortunately..

I contacted James Spence directly regarding this item and I was assured it would be looked into..See page 1 photo...As you can see, its still for sale on eBay...Obviously nothing done and not bothered...:-/ I know I'll be avoiding JSA in future if they take this attitude towards forgeries with their certificates..I'm very surprised.

I found this here Phil at RRauction from this Forger

Without words....

And here are two more that he had sold on ebay

And here we have an autograph, which comes from the same forger and landed at rrauction.

If we don't know the source, I never thought it was a fake ... it's scary how this autograph looks authentic.

Yes I agree with you 100% Fred.D
and take a look at the link below, another autograph

and again he changed the ebay name

 Ivo,  Thank you for sharing.  (Image added for the record.)  

Here's another I've seen from a seller in Leicester with items identical to this with the same Roger Epperson quick opinion..

Another username from the same seller

  Sales offer added for the record.

Awesome Phil & Lizzie

I just don't understand one thing, how can his fakes be accepted at RRauction and authenticated by Roger Epperson ?
He's good at his fakes yes i know....
Perhaps Roger Epperson has not seen the thread here ?

  This is a recently sold 'MJ signed photo' from the 'no_name' seller

(Sold for £100 on 17 July 21)


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