Thoughts on this?

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Back in '96 or '97, I mailed both actors a couple of photos for them to sign.  They were responsive through the mail and received my photos back signed within a few months. The signatures that are in my photos are very similar to this, however I think that there's a good chance that they were secretarials, specially Walter's signature.

I heard that too.  The thing about Lemmon is , after I mailed this (94 or 95), I got a note back from his wife or assistant (cant remember and have since lost it!)  stating Jack is away filming in Canada, and will sign the photo when he gets back home.  Sure enough it came back after about 6 months, so who knows.  I did get him in person eventually. Signature are very close to this.   Never met Walter though.

As far as I know both actors sent secretarials ttm. The secs were so good you hardly can differentiate between legit or sec. Lemmon's were signed by bis wife, Felicia. With Lemmon you can tell by the "e" who signed it. With Matthau it depends on the second "t" and the following "h". 

Considering this, both sigs in the OP look authentic to me. If they came ttm, you were lucky.

Thanks for your feedback.  Is there a signature study on these great actors that you can refer to?  Whats the e in Lemmon supposed to look like in real sigs?

I was wondering what was meant by the second t and the following h for Walter Matthau. I know the e in Lemmon is supposed to look like a heart

Does this Matthau pass?

Yes, Lemmon starts his e under the bottom line with an upwards strike and a curve to the right which makes it look a little like a heart.

Walter usually writes his second t a little shorter than the first one an the following h looks a little like a k.

Concerning this your posted Matthau should be good.

Thanks KaiMi!


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