i got this autographed Larry Bird card from my dads collection after my parents divorced in the early 90's I've looked on ebay to compare with real ones and it's kinda shakey to me... i'm kinda split on if its real or not. i'm not big into basketball memorbila so i'm not sure if he ever signed different from the stuff i've seen or if way back when my dad had been trade cards and all that if he got a fake one if anyone could give there opinion on it i'd really appreciate it.

Tags: bird, larry

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Card is no good, ticket is good.  I got him to sign for me in person right after the Nike Desert Classic in Phoenix in the early 90’s.  I was in the small parking lot right after the game where the scouts and general managers parked.  It was him and I and he signed a large piece of basketball floor with a full name in black paint pen.  Everyone was shocked that he actually signed.


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